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What's this old flame wanting?

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Long story short, this guy and I go way back. We never officially dated but had a thing going on for years. He was almost my first everything, and I consider him to be my first love. After high school, we went to different colleges, and after a few months, our contact ceased. I was dating someone, and he started a new relationship. He sporadically texted me throughout the years, always really late at night even though he's been dating another person (leading me to believe they're not doing well). I'd text back, usually in the morning when I woke up, which received no response, always leaving me confused. Past few months, I've randomly dreamed about him, not sexually, just that he and I were taking like we used to. So lately, he's been on my mind a bit. Two nights ago, I got a text at 4 AM saying, are you there? I responded, yeah, what do you want to talk about? No response, and that bothered me, so I finally said, "I guess you're not going to respond. I just want you to know that I do miss having you as a friend and that you do cross my mind from time to time. I didn't think you cared until I got that message last night." He responds, "I don't think there's ever been a time I didn't want to be your friend." Me: "Well you just never respond after you message me, so that's hard to tell." Him: "Well honestly I didn't mean anything by it.." Me: "I'm not really sure what you meant by it. I don't know what you want, but I don't like where our friendship left off, so if you do want to talk, you're welcome to call me later."


No answer. This is the only person I've never had closure with, and that's truly all I want, to clear things up (the last time we spoke, we were fighting) and be platonic. So if he wants that too, why the sketchiness? Why start a conversation you don't plan to finish?

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Why text at such odd hours? Does he drink and text when he is not sober?


Maybe consider going NC, he does not respond like a friend should.

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veronica miles

This is called a "booty call". That's all. He really DIDN'T mean anything by it. Please, honey,if he is interested he will come to you, he will text you or call you during the day. I would forget this guy altogether and move on.

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