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Trying to be friends with a girl who lost interest in me, bad idea?

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Recently met a very attractive girl through a close friend from college. The night I met her at a party we kinda hit it off instantly. We talked for a bit. Conversation flowed nicely mostly because she seemed very interested in learning about me. We were so perfect together on the dancefloor, and she kissed me, which my friend said he had never seen her do in public. She told me she would like to see me again soon. I liked the fact that she had a lot of great qualities I look for in a potential partner. My buddy described her as an awesome girl/good friend. The situation looked so damn good. However, I screwed up big time. Sent her a text the following day to tell her it was nice to meet her and stuff. She was nonresponsive for two weeks but i was able to set up a dinner date. It was cool but the vibe i got from her wasnt the same as the vibe i got when i met her for the first time. Tried to set up another date, but she's being cold. My guess is that i was too predictable and easy to read. I think my actions made it too obvious to her that I was attracted to her, and she probably lost interest as a result.


I kicked myself in the head for days. I've gotten better at letting things go over the years, so I am feeling a little better. Plenty of fish out there. I screwed up on a darn good one, but I am sure another darn good one will come. Also, I don't need a girl who has lost interest in me. I started reading this book on dating by Corey Wayne because I am really clueless when it comes to seduction and maintaining relationships. Felt like it was finally time to do something about it. I'm learning about all the things I've done wrong until now. At the same time, I am starting to think, "Okay, things did't work out with her romantically. However, she's a good friend of my good friend. I don't know if it's a good idea to burn bridges completely. Every person can teach me something. All of my dating failures in the past probably resulted from not understanding women so well. I am the one who blew my chance with her, so I shouldn't hold my grudge against her. I don't have to be her best friend. I have no problem meeting other women, so I will continue that. However, there may be a situation in the future where we can kinda help each other out professionally or whatever." Trying to be friends with someone who lost interest in me because I screwed up, bad idea?

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I am wondering why you think you did something wrong in the first place???


I might put the friendship offer on the table for her so it doesn't have to be awkward when you see her in your circle of friends..... but I certainly would not tell her that you "screwed up". Unless there is something you have not mentioned, I would say you behaved appropriately

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