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Getting engaged whilst getting a divorce

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Hi I am wondering are there any of you out there contemplating your second marriage?? I have been with my partner for three years and he has been separated for five years. They are going through the process of a divorce. My partner wants us to get engaged and whilst I am thrilled I was wondering has anyone else shared this experience?

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I haven't shared this kind of experience, but my first thoughts are the obvious ones. Are you sure he's really getting divorced? He's not just telling you this to string you on longer? My thoughts are this...if you've been together three years, then waiting a few more months until the divorce is final shouldn't be a hardship, and it's that much more proof that what you've got is real.


Good luck friend!

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This just sounds like a horrible idea.


Separated for five years? Why? What's been the hold up? If he wasn't ready to admit defeat, then he shouldn't have been dating. What's the real issue here? Does he need that mental security blanket that marriage sometimes provides? If so, he may be pushing you in order to avoid a lapse in coverage, so to speak.

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