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STRESS. 99% of the reason we're all here.

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Now that all the pressures of life for me are over with now, I've been able to look at my marriage breakdown a year on.

Ive come to the conclusion that for myself, and mist of us here, we're all in our respective situations because stress us made us all:

*Unable to think clearly.

*Made us look unattractive (needy, angry, lost etc)


A month ago, I wondered where the tight feeling in my chest had gone as I resolved the last source of stress in my life.

Yes, I still love my wife and want her to come home, but all the things that had caused my character to change and cause a loss of love in my wife toward me were gone.

I was not only back to feeling like myself, but I had all these improvements I had made in life to enjoy and be proud of too.


So, feeling like I had my old confidence back, I walked into where my wife works with a bag of the very last of her things I had found.

She came out of the door, looking defensive for a second or two. Until she laid eyes on me and I watched her shoulders drop and her eyes sparkle. I even saw her legs go a little wobbly when she could hear in my voice that I was no longer the mess I was when she left.


When we met again a few days later, I wss not expecting a cheerful conversation from her. Where she talked like a machine gun with a smile all the time.

I told her all the stresses I was under for the first time, and thanked her for her patience.

She was understanding.


As she left, I said "I miss ya hon".

Instead of silence as I usually got, she said "I miss you too". And gave me the longest hug I had recieved in well over a year.


Before everyone shouts "Breadcrumbs!", a muual friend has just text me to say "I've just seen your wife. I don't want to worry you, but she looks like she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Not all cheerful and confident like she has been. What's happened?" She said.


Sounds like my wife's battling with her decision. The next few weeks will be the deciding factor as her lease is up on her apartment.

Will keep you posted!

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