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Am i expecting too much in a relationship?

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I am 19 and i have never had a girlfriend.


Her are my expectations in a girl when i get in a relationship?


- I would like her to be pretty and attractive.


- She needs to be have a caring and nice and good personality.


- To have common interests.


- I want her to be there for me and show me her affection(cuddles, kissing, more).


What do you think? Am i expecting too much in a relationship?


What are your expectations in a relationship?

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Your expectations seem rather reasonable to me. What do you think is holding you back from finding someone like that?

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I am 19 and i have never had a girlfriend.


Her are my expectations in a girl when i get in a relationship?


- I would like her to be pretty and attractive.


- She needs to be have a caring and nice and good personality.


- To have common interests.


- I want her to be there for me and show me her affection(cuddles, kissing, more).


What do you think? Am i expecting too much in a relationship?


What are your expectations in a relationship?


I wouldn't say your,e asking for too much. Actually, pretty much everybody expects this from a partner.

I mean, who wants to date an ugly, bitchy, careless girlfriend/boyfriend who hates everything you like?


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These things seem reasonable, although it's seriously questionable that you're focusing on these kinds of considerations. Relationships aren't a product you buy from a vending machine, or a commodity traded on an exchange. They don't have specifications or contracts or rules. Each one is unique.


The way this works is that you find a girl you like, stuff works out, and then the two of you decide (usually informally, not even necessarily explicitly) what it is that you want. Frequently it turns out that it isn't going to work out, so you give your partner as much love as you can, and then move on, and try again.

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