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Would you rather date an ugly person you liked or an attractive person you didn't?

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Would you rather date an ugly person who you had a lot in common with and was a nice person or a very attractive person who isn't nice and you don't have a lot in common with.


I have to be honest, call me shallow, but I'd 100% only date the attractive person. Whatever attractive person has to say sounds 10x nicer/more interesting coming out of their mouth. I'd still talk with the ugly person but there's no way I'd have sex with her. Not trying to be mean or anything but it is what it is.

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It's a lose-lose. I vote none of the above. You can always not date anybody.


Would you, out of curiosity, marry the mean attractive woman?

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I don't expect, nor want, a supermodel looking girl - unless we just happen to have a million things in common and jive like nobodies business.


I just want a "level" of attraction and personality will take care of the rest.

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It's a lose-lose. I vote none of the above. You can always not date anybody.


Would you, out of curiosity, marry the mean attractive woman?


If I had to marry one I would definitely marry the attractive woman. I don't want ugly kids. I don't want to be embarrassed by marrying an ugly person.

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If I had to marry one I would definitely marry the attractive woman. I don't want ugly kids. I don't want to be embarrassed by marrying an ugly person.


I'm with you on the beautiful kids thing, but I could care less about being embarrassed. If you are worried about being embarrassed, you haven't got that inner-validation thing going on that you need to get going on in order to be emotionally healthy and contribute to a relationship.

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It's a lose-lose. I vote none of the above. You can always not date anybody.


Would you, out of curiosity, marry the mean attractive woman?


Agreed. Secure people would wait for the whole package. Not sure what the OP's purpose is with the question apart from letting us know that he only shags attractive people. Great community announcement!

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If I had to marry one I would definitely marry the attractive woman. I don't want ugly kids. I don't want to be embarrassed by marrying an ugly person.


Assuming a beautiful woman would find you attractive as well.

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Id at least consider having sex with the one I found physically attractive. Ive had strong sexual chemistry in the past with a couple of girls I couldnt stand at times. We didnt get along much, but the physical chemistry was there.

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I wouldn't go with either. If I think someone is ugly I am not going to be attracted to them, if I think someone is boring I am not going to be attracted to them either.


But, I am someone who is just naturally proud, so I really couldn't care less about how others perceive me or my relationships. Actually I care so little that I am proud of whoever I was with, and enjoy making that known to people making judgement.


I also wouldn't care if my hypothetical children were considered ugly, missing limbs, deaf, dumb, blind etc. I would care for how that might effect them, but I wouldn't be personally bothered by those things.


I was with someone a long time ago when a very 'attractive' guy, who I found attractive, approached my partner and said " how the f*** did someone like you get someone like her." He said it in the most demeaning manner. I remember it making me feel sick, and that person was suddenly the ugliest person I had ever encountered.


I would rather take a bullet than be with someone who has that mentality.

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Personally id choose neither. I couldn't have a relationship with someone I wasn't attracted to and why would I even want to be around the person I didn't like.

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But, I am someone who is just naturally proud, so I really couldn't care less about how others perceive me or my relationships. Actually I care so little that I am proud of whoever I was with, and enjoy making that known to people making judgment.
This is me too. I don't understand people who are worried about what other people think. I mean, who exactly do you want to impress so bad? And maybe THAT's the person you want to date ?
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This is me too. I don't understand people who are worried about what other people think. I mean, who exactly do you want to impress so bad? And maybe THAT's the person you want to date ?


He want to impress his ex I think. If I were to choose, I would choose the attractive one but just for sex, because if she is mean and has a ugly personality it will only get worse in the future and you'll end up hurting again and posting on the ''Break up section'' of the forum:)

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You don't believe in unconditional love, like me.

I won't even be attracted to someone unless he was handsome and similar to my type.

You can't control this unless you believed that love has nothing to do with his physical appearance, yours. It's something that irrelevant to anything, it just comes and ruins our peace of mind.

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This is me too. I don't understand people who are worried about what other people think. I mean, who exactly do you want to impress so bad? And maybe THAT's the person you want to date ?


Exactly. Imo it just screams insecurity, and insecurity is pretty unattractive in general.

When I see an attractive person with someone not so attractive, the good looking one becomes 100000000000000x more attractive to me.

I think their being more appealing is less to do with them being non judgmental, and more to with them having the confidence/pride to not care about what others think.

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The "ugly" person of course. Though in being attracted to their mind and personality i am attracted to them as a whole. Not only how society sees them.

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I'm with you on the beautiful kids thing, but I could care less about being embarrassed. If you are worried about being embarrassed, you haven't got that inner-validation thing going on that you need to get going on in order to be emotionally healthy and contribute to a relationship.


You are extremely unlikely to believe you own child is ugly. And I don't know if you've noticed, but most babies look pretty similar to each other the first few months. By then, you've week and truly bonded. It's biological. Just like their angelic, oversized features (wide-spaced eyes, full lips) trigger an autonomic response that stops us from eating them.


Ok, the last bit, I just said for giggles. :laugh:

Edited by pickflicker
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In general, when I like someone, they don't seem ugly to me. Conversely, all the ostensible good looks in the world won't make me like someone whose personality is ugly.

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The question doesn't make any sense. Why would someone date someone they didn't like? LOL welcome to a life of misery.

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I'd date both, and on a stormy night, I'd lure them to a frankenstein machine and combine their good parts with the help of a thunder.

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At this point I don't care if a man doesn't rank high in looks. The very attractive guys that many women want are the ones I'm very leery of and would avoid. Chances are he's not going to have my same values.


A below average in looks man but great personality and he having my same values is what I would want. So yes, I'd rather have an ugly man with great personality who isn't in high demand than an attractive man in high demand but his personality sucks.

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Technically speaking, attractive isn't the same as good looking for me.


Attractive means I'm attracted to you, whether or not you're "objectively" good looking is another thing.


I only date men I'm attracted to. I can be attracted to different looks as the major thing is it's a complete package with personality, way you carry yourself, character, things I can't put my finger on included.


If I don't think you're physically good looking it's still possible for me to develop an attraction to you based on other things but it's a bit harder for me to sustain an attraction to someone whose personality is ugly and whom I dislike otherwise. It is easier for me to go from meh to wow, he's awesome and to developing an attraction for a guy who I didn't initially find all that attractive than it is for me to turn a bind eye to the faults of a hot guy. A hot guy can quickly become "eww" or "meh" to me if he isn't bringing other stuff to the table.


I have to be able to kiss you and I have to want to be affectionate towards you, so if your physical looks are to the point where I just cannot develop any sort of sexual attraction then I won't date you.

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In terms of thinking about breeding with the person....well, most of what people commonly term ugliness can probably be addressed by healthy living and cosmetic surgery. Plus good looks/ugliness aren't always passed down.


Even in this day and age, however, stupidity remains incurable.

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In general, when I like someone, they don't seem ugly to me. Conversely, all the ostensible good looks in the world won't make me like someone whose personality is ugly.

This. The guy I currently like isn't good looking by conventional standards but he is very sexy to me.

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If I had to marry one I would definitely marry the attractive woman. I don't want ugly kids. I don't want to be embarrassed by marrying an ugly person.


I think you're going to be either single for a very long time or very unhappy with your relationship if you keep up with this kind of thinking.


embarrassed to marry an 'ugly' person.

I mean come on!

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