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Would you rather date an ugly person you liked or an attractive person you didn't?

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I think you're going to be either single for a very long time or very unhappy with your relationship if you keep up with this kind of thinking.


embarrassed to marry an 'ugly' person.

I mean come on!

Look matter more than people would actually like to admit. On some level when it comes to actual partners looks matter to men because they actually think about the future (kids). Hell looks is a subjective thing anyway.

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Charlie Harper

Unfortunately a lot of people have been brainwashed by media, education, instruction and hollywood crappola.


So most people never give great women and men a chance, maybe they are not attractive, maybe they are the quiet kind, maybe they don't have flashy personality, and worse of all they are not millionaires.


They will search and hang out/sleep/fall in love/Marry and DIVORCE a persone with money, attractive and a flashy personality and let go and forget other more important stuff like: being a team, be honest, LOYALITY, caring, and have integrity and good values to have a happy trouble free life. You end up with a cheater, a liar, someone who despises you, you does not respect you and makes your life miserable...


Sad but true, and who cares if your offspring is not beautiful, if you are so concerned with that, it means you value more what other think over WHAT YOU FEEL.


I KNOW that you need to find that person who makes you better, who makes you try to be happy and successful ...if she is not a model, millionaire or famous, no problem she only need to be beautiful to ME.

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Look matter more than people would actually like to admit. On some level when it comes to actual partners looks matter to men because they actually think about the future (kids). Hell looks is a subjective thing anyway.


You're crazy if you think just by marrying a good looking person your kids will be also. What if they come out looking like you?

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You're crazy if you think just by marrying a good looking person your kids will be also. What if they come out looking like you?

I got some pics on here and if they came out looking like me then they are looking good. :D

Hell I am not ugly I am far from it.

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You're crazy if you think just by marrying a good looking person your kids will be also. What if they come out looking like you?

If you actually read then you would have saw that I said looks are subjective. Men like good looking but that is different for every man. There is no universal template for beauty

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The ugly woman. Getting along is far more important.


Very few women are actually either "ugly" or "beautiful" anyway. They're all somewhere inbetween, and there's a certain attractiveness about 99 percent of the women I've seen.


And of course, biologically they are bound to all "feel" almost the same.


A fat girl's vagina will feel the same as Paris Hilton's.


The most important traits to me are personality (kindness and fun and compatibility) and of course, intelligence.

That depends. Thicker women have some good pu**y.

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Here we go again :rolleyes:......looks and ugly are subjective....so Id take ANY person that I liked over anybody that I didn't like ANY day.

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Depends where you are in life. Priorities change. When you're 22 you aren't thinking about the same things you are at 32.

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Here we go again :rolleyes:......looks and ugly are subjective....so Id take ANY person that I liked over anybody that I didn't like ANY day.

Let the over-dramatization by women begin! It's not what I am saying. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is ugly for one person may not be for another.


Women take a guy you consider ugly but you don't know them. If you got to know him and saw he possessed a lot of qualities that would make you attracted to them. Would you date them?

In terms of looks most women hate to say looks matter out of fear of being seen as wanting a Brad Pitt or George Clooney, but saying looks matter doesn't mean that.

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I did not find my ex to be attractive when we first met, but I thought that talking and chatting with him wouldnt hurt anything. We didnt go out until a few weeks of talking back and forth. When we met, It wasnt as bad as I originally thought he was. Further into the relationship I actually found him quite attractive.


So, IMO I think the more you like the personality of a person, the attraction becomes more so. I wouldnt rule out dating someone you dont find attractive if you have enjoy their company and have similar interests.

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Look matter more than people would actually like to admit. On some level when it comes to actual partners looks matter to men because they actually think about the future (kids). Hell looks is a subjective thing anyway.


Sure, but if would rather marry the beautiful person he doesn't like that much who also is a bitch, I just don't see how he can have a happy life in this situation.

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Sure, but if would rather marry the beautiful person he doesn't like that much who also is a bitch, I just don't see how he can have a happy life in this situation.

No matter what you or anyone else says looks matter to everyone. No one wants just anything for a partner. Would you take anything in the looks department for a partner (be honest)?

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Would you rather date an ugly person who you had a lot in common with and was a nice person or a very attractive person who isn't nice and you don't have a lot in common with.


I have to be honest, call me shallow, but I'd 100% only date the attractive person. Whatever attractive person has to say sounds 10x nicer/more interesting coming out of their mouth. I'd still talk with the ugly person but there's no way I'd have sex with her. Not trying to be mean or anything but it is what it is.


No way in hell I'd have sex with a woman no matter how attractive, if stuff she said made me think she dropped out of primary school or was torturing puppies as a hobby.

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If I had to marry one I would definitely marry the attractive woman. I don't want ugly kids. I don't want to be embarrassed by marrying an ugly person.


I'm pretty sure most people will be embarassed to be with someone who formulates this garbage - ugly or hot.

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I'm pretty sure most people will be embarassed to be with someone who formulates this garbage - ugly or hot.


Thread seems pointless in a way..... WTF???


In my point of view, she is attractive inside and out..... DONE

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