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Falling down and getting back up again

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What helped you to gain the discerning trust back with the opposite sex again?


There was an affair in my previous marriage which broke my heart. I felt used and lied to in many ways, as most would.


How did you get back up on your feet and move forward from this? I am fearful I will place myself in a similar situation again. How do you heal from this?

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Alex -

What a lovely, lovely inspiring post you wrote. I loved what you wrote. I want to paste it onto my fridge!



My partner cheated on me and the relationship ended because of this. It was/is a painful experience.



Slowly on the mend. Day by day

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My ex cheated on me. I got over it by taking the stance that she's just one person and isn't representative of her sex, social group, etc. You don't hold an entire group responsible for the actions of one person.

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The only way I would not trust a new partner is if this 'new' partner happens to be a partner that wronged me.


Otherwise, actual new guy deserves a shot.

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