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hurt and alone


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I have been seperated for 4 months , after a long unhappy marriage (on my part), we both agree that we have a love for each other , but my love seems to have always been deeper then his I put up with alot of crap from him that I will not put up with any of it now,and don't know if I want to be his wife anymore , he really hasn't been what I have needed in a husband and has taken advantage of my love for him , saying a doing what ever he wants because he beleived that I would never leave.


I have told him for five years if things don't change we will have no marriage and he ignored it .


Well , He seems to have some problems emotionally or mentally, because one day he says we are getting divorced and the next he is telling me we belong togeather and tries to seduce me when ever we are alone togeather, he has not done anything to show me that he will be any different, but thinks I should let him back in my heart and life , I have asked him to get help , we have been to counceling but he put his front up and never shows anyone but me the true him so IT DID NO GOOD , I feel like no one believes me when i tell them how he has treated me , it is very frustrating ,my family thinks that i should stay for the children and i would love to keep my family togeather but they just don't know what it is like with him ,what about me ? How much emotional abuse is to much ? Why don't people think that emotional abuse is as bad as physical? Why do people expect me to live like this ?

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Staying in a bad relationship for the sake of children is nonsense. They deserve to grow up in a home where there is love. Showing them the kind of examply you and your husband are showing the kids can be devastating to them.


Assuming you have done everything possible to work this out and all has failed, you need to get out of this mess immediately...for your sake and for the kids.


All of you deserve a lot better than this.


You need to stop listening to everybody else around you. You are the one that has to be the architect of your life and you are the ONLY one who knows just how much suffering you have been through.


So take some vitamins, get some exercise, and do what you have to do. And be sure to watch out for yourself in all ways and get every single thing that is coming to you. This man has caused you to sacrifice a lot of good years in your life.

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