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I recently started graduate school and met this guy in my class. At first we were just classmates but because we share the same group of friends we started to hang out more little by little. Then he started talking to me on fb and sometimes texting. At the time, I wasn't paying attention to him and I didn't think anything of it. One day, I was shopping and I ran into him we started talking and we grabbed something to eat. Then a few weeks after that, he invited me to study with him at his apartment. I went over and it got kinda late; he asked me to sleep over but I said no I can't and that I better go home. That night I felt that he was flirting but I didn't like him so I didn't think anything of it. Around that same time, I found out that he had a serious gf but they recently broke up. Then a few weeks later, he invited me again but I never went over and I made an excuse that I am busy and whatnot. This past December, I was flying home after finals and we ended up meeting at the airport during layover; the flight was late and we had to spend the night at the airport so we decided to get a hotel instead of spending the night stranded at the airport. Long story short, we ended up getting one room and we made out, cuddled, had oral sex and that's it. He said he likes me and asked me "where do we go from there?" and I said "we will just see how it goes because idk" A few weeks later, He texts me and says that he is so confused because his gf wants to get back with him. I said that I don't wanna get in between them and that he should do whatever he feels strongly about. A few weeks later, He decided that it is best for us not to hook up again and we should just stay friends because he will go back with her. Of course, I was very disappointed to lose him. I stopped texting him and talking to him, I would just say Hi and bye and how is it going when I see him at school. A few days ago, he texted me and started flirting. Then he says I need to talk to you and asked me to go over. I did and then he kept saying I want you and I like you but I don't wanna hurt you by doing anything because I will eventually go back with my gf. Then we ended up making out. Afterwards he texts me and says that we shouldn't do anything again and we should just stay friends because he doesn't wanna hurt me. I am so confused. I tried to tell him that I don't care if we just hook up and that I am not expecting anything from him but he keeps saying that I will get hurt at the end and he doesnt want that to happen but then he goes back and starts flirting with me and acts like he likes me.


Do you think he really likes me or is it a game to him? What do you think I should do?

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He sounds like a drama queen, and someone who quite possibly like you, or his ex.

From what you have said it is like he gets off on the attention/drama of more than the actual person.

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