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I Haven't seen this girl in two months!! Will she forget about me???!?

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there is this tutor I work with in the tutoring lab in this community college I went to. She's great and a wonderful person to be around with. She is about 27 and I am 22 and she is engaged, One thing I noticed about her is that she was very touchy feely. , like patting me on the back or shoulder.



I worked with her for about two years and my class ended in June 2013. In fall of 2013 I attended a university but I saw her around campus ( I already knew she attended there too) when I was going to meet up with a friend recently and chatted with her. I started getting these weird feelings about her

now I find myself going out of my way to that location just so I can hopefully see her and talk to her again. One time I went and sat there for about half an hour (I had nothing else to do though so I wasn't skipping anything) I just get this extremely good feeling when talking to her or seeing her. Is this wrong?


honestly, I actually feel upset if I am trying to find her and I don't see her. I haven't seen her at all the last two months and I feel almost depressed. She said at the end of last semester that "I'll see you"



I am not trying to get with her or anything but she is the only girl that has given me any attention really or actually initiated conversation with me so I like to see her



please don't say "Don't look for her". Why is it wrong for me to want to still be acquainted with her?

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