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So why is my ex doing this

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So I've been trying to work out things with my ex and she keeps playing mind games people keep telling me to play the same game back. What can I do? Also my ex's cousin is a good friend of mine and she talked to my ex saying I was a good guy and and my ex replied saying I'm not the guy for her. But she knew me and her cousin talked so is she saying this because she's knows it will come back to me. And il sit there depressed waiting for her.

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you are just making to much threads man. people here are being honest with you because theyve been through it before or they are old enough to know how things work. she has said that shes not interested and thats something you have to accept. if she will come back nobody knows. but what is true is that youre gonna find someone else. im guessing its the first relationship too? thats when you learn the most.



its always worse first time. because you havent dealed with it before. and you think this girl is the only one for you. after a while youre gonna realize that it wasnt the fact that it ended but the fact that she left you that was the worst part, been there myself and it was rough but i understood that i didnt love her as much as i thought when we broke up.


playing mind games doesnt make the bad parts of the relationship dissappear. the only thing that can make her come back is because she had a history with you. while a new guy is just a new guy. young people always think theres something better out there. but often its the same thing. at least in the beginning.


and what makes you think shes playing mind games?


dont put yourself in a situation where you are waiting for this girl. not making eye contact with her to make her interested. do it for yourself. cause the more you stay away the easier it will be to heal and also to if it would happen, start fresh with her. cause theres nothing worse then going back to an old relationship from a depression. and i know you dont wanna hear this. but she doesnt sound like the right girl for you by reading recent threads.


and the getting your ex back books. it doesnt work. if it did everyone would do it. staying away can make them come back. jelousness can make them come back. but if they do its gonna be the same thing all over again. why want something you can always have?

Edited by chados
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