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i am in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere. my girlfriend doesn't even talk to me anymore, for cryin out loud we barely make love anymore. i would be lucky to get it once every two weeks now. she gets upset at every thing that i do and say. we used to be a loving couple but now we are getting so far apart in every way. i love her and want to be with her but she is making it so hard. is it time to move on with my life? i would really appreciate all of the advice possible.

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First of all, sex should really be the least of your worries.


Second, have you actually talked to your girlfriend about how you feel? I am guessing you probably have, and if so, that is indeed a good thing.


Find out exactly why she get's upset for everything. Maybe she feels like your not giving her enough attention, or perhaps your not fulfilling a specific need of her's?


Ask her, and you will most likely find out. Other than that, no one here could really help you.


If nothing changes, then maybe it is time to let go. Also, I have a question for you: Does she love you?


Again, confront her and you may gain some insight into this problem, and be able to work in together.

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So, your girlfriend seems distant and you want to bring her closer?


Then surprise her with little acts of kindness. Sometimes, the best way to break the ice( and the ice has set in your relationship) is to do something nice for that person. DO something she won't expect you to do. Wake up tommorow morning and ask yourself "What nice thing can I do for my girlfriend today?". Then do it, but don't expect any reward after. Just do it for the pleasure of seeing her smile. You'll find a relationship isn't so boring if you consider what you can do for someone, not the other way around.


If it's done right, you'll get her attention and maybe she'll open up. Or if she's the suspicious type she'll think you're having an affair and feeling guilty.Or if she's in the mental health field she'll book a session for you with a doctor.I'm kidding.


Give it a shot. It's a lot cheaper than buying her expensive gifts. What do you have to lose?

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This is a common problem that couples go through and I'm guessing you've been together for a while. A similar thing happened to me when I started school, I felt like my boyfriend and I were growing apart. Things got worse and we dragged things out for a while and it only led to us breaking up, I'm sorry to say. But it turned out to be a positive thing in the end anyway, because I now realize he was totaly wrong for me. So could this possibly be a blessing in disguise?


Ask yourself how have you been treating her? If you really feel that you are doing your best to try and salvage things and nothing is working, then perhaps its time to move on. Your girlfriend is not handling things right. If she is unhappy, she should talk to you about what is bothering her, rather than ignoring you. She sounds as if she doesn't appreciate you or the relationship. And there is nothing wrong with moving on. Sometimes its the best thing to do. After all, she seems unhappy and how happy could you be with her acting like that. I think you both deserve to be happier. My advice is to take a break for a while. Maybe you need to be with different people, or maybe you will come back to one another in the future. Only time will tell. Good luck :)



i am in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere. my girlfriend doesn't even talk to me anymore, for cryin out loud we barely make love anymore. i would be lucky to get it once every two weeks now. she gets upset at every thing that i do and say. we used to be a loving couple but now we are getting so far apart in every way. i love her and want to be with her but she is making it so hard. is it time to move on with my life? i would really appreciate all of the advice possible.
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