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I totally agree with you


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You seem to want to work, and want to pay the bills. Whatever job you get is better than doing nothing. Doing nothing will only make you feel worse, and it's boring as heck.As long as it's an honest job, there's nothing to be ashamed of.


If you don't like sitting all day, then try working in a restaurant. Waitressing can make good tips,(though you deal with a lot of meatheads) and you keep moving around most of the day. You can also try landscaping jobs, but that can be pretty dependant on weather. Ask you friends if there are any openings were they work, maybe they know a few jobs you can start right away. You can also see if you can get work at a daycare.Don't forget to try large department stores, they have all sorts of positions not just sales clerks. They also need people to do inventory, to put up stock, to set up displays. Or see if you can get work at a retirement home, they pay well I heard.


I say, just work whatever job you think you can handle for now. Just make enough to pay some of the bills at least. You can always use some of the money to pay for job training later, or go back to school. But to do that you'll need disposable income ,which you need a job for.


Just take the job, and tell your boyfriend after the fact. My gosh, you've got a right to work if you want to work!

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