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jennie....i'm not sure we can help you.....


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...because it seems that none of us have lives.....as 'someone' once pointed out to us a few days ago....


Posted by someone! on Saturday, 27 January 2001, at 2:57 p.m.


i swear the same ole people are on here day in and day out. i wish i didn't have a life so i could just put questions and answer posts on this board.


unfortunately i have a life as it seems alot of you don't what a pity. instead of posting your problems all over this board for the world to see, why don't you talk "communicate" with the person that you are having problems with?


gotta go, my life is waiting for me.


from someone who has a "life" thank goodness cause if this is what life without a life is like i'd rather be dead!


maybe this wasn't you who posted this, maybe it was someone from the same computer?


and why do you switch names here so many times....from 'confused' to 'jennie' to 'someone' to 'joanne'..........anyone can tell it's you, jennie.....you've posted this situation about 'work' in the past........why don't you just use the same name and stick to it.....and if you really think none of us have lives, why do you keep coming back asking for advice?


p-sses me off when people play games and act like we're all so stupid.



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