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still a bit scared


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So. I’m 42 yrs old now. Two nearly adult children. Love my H but ready to leave him. For me.


As a man can you let go of the woman you profess to love without a fight? What does it mean to ‘fight’ for the woman you love? Is the a point to fighting for her…and exactly what is it you’re fighting?


As you may or may not know my husband is very much an alpha male (if such a thing exists) he’s very competitive, he’s idea of fighting is punching someone’s lights out….lots of stuff that I don’t want to get into here (but if you want to know more you can look up my history here). So I’m a bit concerned as to how he’s going to try to fight for me. As I’m sure he will try to fight for me. But what is he fighting? Can’t be himself because in his mind it’s always someone else’s fault…heaven knows he can’t be at fault…it’ll be my fault…but how is that going to get him what he wants? He’s going to come up to the wall and back off…but then what? What’s his next move after that?


I’m pretty sure he’ll get our kids involved. Which will truly stink. On an epic level. I’m not one to undermine or talk bad about others...but he is…and he’s probably going to talk really bad about me. I’m not even sure how to handle that without stooping down a bit. I don’t want to talk bad about him to his kids….my sister says’ my kids are smart enough to know what’s real and what’s not…but it still concerns me for my kids.


I’ve not yet pulled the trigger. I’m afraid too. I know I need to but I am just afraid. I won’t be afraid forever but right now and for the last few months I’ve just been scared. I really and truly HATE feeling afraid....and I wonder if I'm making this bigger inside my own fear/imaginings that it really is or will be...

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this is under abuse. so i assume hes been abusing you. is this physical or mentaly?. if youre afraid of that then you should really look for someone to help you out and protect you. he might be really sad if you leave him believe it or not. even the toughest guys can cry, especially someone that thinks hes always gonna win. maybe he turns to this super nice guy. if he does dont buy it. people dont change in a day. never stay with someone that abuses you. not only is it bad for you but also for your children.


As a man can you let go of the woman you profess to love without a fight? What does it mean to ‘fight’ for the woman you love? Is the a point to fighting for her…and exactly what is it you’re fighting?


impossible to say. were all different. my guess would be that a person like this wouldnt accept it. even if he gets mad i think its gonna hurt him. either he gets very emotional or very mean. but yes i think he wouldnt enjoy that you leave him.

Edited by chados
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