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how many people in a FWB relationship??

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wanting more

I'm single now (almost a year), 3 kids (youngest is 14) and i really do not want to get into another relationship. was with my partner for over 22 yrs, had an A and now am by myself and i am really enjoying it.


but i'm a woman who wants to have sex!!! i've never been in a FWB relationship i don't want ONS


if you're in this kind of relationship, how long has it been going on?


not really sure i'm looking for advice, just wondering about it.

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I was in a FWB with my now-husband for about 4 months. We eventually made it official and the relationship progressed from there. This is not a typical outcome though...

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wanting more
I was in a FWB with my now-husband for about 4 months. We eventually made it official and the relationship progressed from there. This is not a typical outcome though...



definatley not looking for a serious relationship

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I've had several over the years, some of them overlapped.

Longest one lasted about 4 years. We didn't see each other very often due to living in different countries, but every time I went home, we'd get together.

AT the moment I have 2 of those running. One has been going on for about 3 years now. Again, we don't see each other very often, since we live in different parts of the world. But when we happen to be in the same area, we always get together. We talk quite a bit in between meetups as well.


The other one is more recent and with someone more local. When we were working together we got together once, maybe twice a week. Now he's been away, so haven't seen him in a couple of months, but we're getting together tomorrow.


I find that the key to a good, stable FWB is to not treat it as anything more than sex. Sure, there's some catch up, maybe a couple of drinks, but no dates, no hanging out all the time and, in my case, it works best if I'm not exclusive with them, but I understand this might not be a good idea for some people.


The reason I do all these things is to prevent getting attached and dreaming of a relationship. It has happened in the past and not always worked out in my favour!

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like you, Im not looking for a full on relationship, but have needs too.. I have 2 fwbs, one i see about once or twice a month, has been going on for 7 months now. The other one I see about every 2 months due to his work commitments. Ive been seeing 2nd fwb over 9 months now.

I always ensure protection (physical side) and always bear in mind to stay away from being too personally involved (emotional side).

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