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it's called 'trolling'.......


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basic 'netiquette' means sticking to one name when you post on a board like this. i think it's really rude for you to post a problem with one name, then come back a week later and post the same problem with a different name. you asked it the first time, got responses......why ask it again???? that's just wasting everyone's time........because they're taking the time to give the same advice to the same person. it's also dishonest. along the lines of playing games and i frequent many boards, and it's not tolerated on any of them. it's called 'trolling' and it's grounds for being banned from that board. i didn't make up this rule.


also, i think it's really rude to come here using a different name [someone] and accuse all of us as having no life...and that all we do is post here. how ironic that the person who insultingly accused us of this, is the very person that continues to come back here using all kinds of names, posting the same problems with various names. what the heck is up with that????


the only reason people don't 'care' is that they simply don't know. myself and others here -do- know what's going on, that's why it's being brought up. they deserve to know....so that they're not wasting their time responding to posts that have already been posted [with a different name]...


if you've been here for a year then you should know better to pull this kind of crap. it's an abuse of a good board like this and i'm sure the webmaster wouldn't be too impressed.


hopefully you can answer us.....and tell us -why- you posting that flaming insult a few days ago, making fun of people who posted here, that we have no lives......why did you feel that necessary to do???? ..yet here you are, back asking for more advice. what the hell do you expect???? you collectively insult us all, then you come back needing help from those you insulted.


flame me all you like....but what you're doing is an abuse of this place......and i think people have a right to know when people are pulling their chains, wasting their time and using anonymous aliases to flame people.


the truth hurts, i know.



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