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What could be wrong with her?

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I've been dating this girl for about a 6 months now and every time I try to bring up either the conversation of sex or of even love she changes the subject or ignores me. I know I love her and I say it, she says it too but never really sounds like she means it. I'm worried about her and wondering if maybe I did something wrong I've asked her that but she says I'm not the problem at all and that I'm wonderful. I asked another friend of mine (a female friend) and she said that maybe my girl has a bad past love or something but how do I bring up such a touchy subject?

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Dude, I've been there. My ex never really said I Love You with any sembalance of feeling, and that was a big problem to me.



My advice to you is to seriously sit down and talk to this girl. I can tell you are in love with her and talking to her face to face should really make waves with the relationship!



Good Luck bro





I've been dating this girl for about a 6 months now and every time I try to bring up either the conversation of sex or of even love she changes the subject or ignores me. I know I love her and I say it, she says it too but never really sounds like she means it. I'm worried about her and wondering if maybe I did something wrong I've asked her that but she says I'm not the problem at all and that I'm wonderful. I asked another friend of mine (a female friend) and she said that maybe my girl has a bad past love or something but how do I bring up such a touchy subject?
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First of all I believe that you and your girl should definitely sit down and have a conversation about this. Maybe she wasn't loved as a child and is now unable to show her love for you because of this. These are issues to be discussed. If she doesn't want to let you in on her past it could mean that either she's not ready to be emotionally connected with you, or maybe she just hasn't learned to trust you enough to share this very touchy topic with you. If you really love her, hold on, but let her know that whatever she experienced in the past was the past and will remain the past. Make her believe that with you there will be nothing but good times ahead. Remember, treat her right, you never know just how bad her past experience was.



Good Luck!!!!!!


Jos Love*

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I also think you should sit down and have a discussion with your girlfriend. However, take several things into consideration.

One, how intense is the relationship overall. Do you see each other everyday, every other day, etc.

As hard as this may be to admit, maybe you have more feelings for her than she does for you.

Second, how does she show other emotions? Does she really laugh when she find something funny? Does she ever really get angry or sad? Some people just don't show emotions the same. For a good example, rent Howard's End. British emotions...well, they are certainly capable of a stiff upper lip.

Third, she may have been sexually or emotionally abused at some point in her life. It could be hard for her to make a commitment until she swamps through all that pain and anger to deal with what happened.

Good luck.

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just be her friend. let her know that you care and want to help her. put her before yourself give her space and time let her talk at her own will. first, however, you must come out and say that she can trust you to tell you anything and you feel that you can trust her. tell her what you wrote to all of us. be blunt let her now that you care and let her do the rest of the work. most of all whan she does come clean you can accept what she tells you. DO NOT let her feel safe to speak to you and then wig out on her. She'll never trust you then. be sincere and true to both you and her.

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