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Want to ask her out

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I want to ask this girl out to the Prom, but I am afraid that I will be rejected. I need some help from anyone that can help me. Thank you for your time.


Hey, Levi. Go for it. Ask her out, man. If she says no, what's the worst that can happen? You just ask somebody else and she's misses out on a nice evening with you. Take a chance, and ask.



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Hey, Levi. Go for it. Ask her out, man. If she says no, what's the worst that can happen? You just ask somebody else and she's misses out on a nice evening with you. Take a chance, and ask. -Scott

I totally agree. In 10 years, you'll look back and wonder why you didn't ask her, and probably kick yourself for it. Ask her, she says no, big deal-her loss. You'll never know if you don't ask :) Remember, it would be just as hard for her to ask you.





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