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My mother needs ! It's making me angry!


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Sorry if this turns into a bit of a rant but I honestly have no idea what to do anymore regarding my mother. I'm pretty sure she is alcohol dependant and has some sort of mental disorder. Let me tell you a bit about her...


I don't think my mother has every told me she loved me, she used to pay for someone to look after us as children and I feel I was brought up by other family members so our bond has probably never been great.

She had a still born baby 20 years ago and turned to alcohol to numb the pain, she then divorced my father due to him committing adultery and has been so bitter since. For example she says that if I passed away she wouldn't attend my funeral if my father did!

The alcohol intake is now daily, and it's not just wine but also vodka and she's drinking by 11am everyday. She is constantly miserable and has never got anything nice to say to me, although as soon as I sense she's drunk I have nothing to say to her either.


She is a very wealthy women and has never worked. Shes not an attractive woman but claims that she is beautiful and believes she is better than anybody else. Her arrogance is unbelievable and she will not associate with those 'below' her who aren't as well off as her. To be honest she has very little friends as she rarely leaves the house anymore. She is constantly putting others down and tells me how wonderful she is.


The final straw for me was this week when she was caught shoplifting from the store I work at! The store have 6 weeks worth of footage of her going in and stealing alcohol...not something a woman of her wealth should do. When caught they did not phone the police due to me working there and part of me wishes they did as she believes she's above the law. She also states she 'accidentally' forgot to pay for all the items she's stolen and that it was unintentional!!! And kept saying that she can't understand why I'm angry, how do I think she feels! Once again she cannot admit she is wrong during any part of life.


I'm beginning to think she has a mental disorder or something along them lines. I actually find myself unable to look at her because I am overwhelmed with negative feelings towards her, I feel awful for saying this but I think I actually hate the person she has become.

If she won't accept help is there anything I can do?? I can't live like this anymore but can't afford to move out. She's 57 by the way if that helps.



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This would be my father - minus the alcohol. He is 87 and it has NEVER gotten better.


We could conjecture about personality disorder, etc. However, I've found that people with the attitudes that you mother has are negative about everyone else because they don't see any good in themselves. If she inherited her wealth she may feel inadequate and knows that her birth was luck - not of her control, etc.


It is pointless to argue with her regarding the stealing, or anything else for that matter. You can establish boundaries for your sanity. You can tell her that you think she talks poorly about others because she sees no good in herself and that won't tolerate it.


She stole the alcohol because a woman of her "status" doesn't consume as much alcohol as she does. If she doesn't have to pay for it then there's no record of it and it can't be held against her. That's how flawed her behavior is.


Good luck! It can take days of detoxing when exposed to her shenanigans for even a couple of hours! BTDT

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