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I don't understand this weird behavior! What do you think?

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I have been friends with this guy, and we became very close. Within 2 weeks of me knowing him he was already saying I love you to me, which I thought was kinda alarming at first. He seemed very interested in me, but I told him I am not ready to date anyone and we should be friends, he agreed to that. So he was very open about his life to me, told me everything you could possibly know about his life. He called me constantly and texted me all the time. I would hear from other friends "Oh wow Greg really likes you!" Or Greg said you were "Hot" etc etc. I would hear compliments behind my back instead of to my face from Greg, and I thought that was weird, cause he is so open and extroverted that he is not the shy type, so why wouldn't he compliment me to my face? Why is it always behind my back? So Greg started to distance himself from me, and I let it go.


I got into a horrible situation though with my brother. Me and him were fighting verbally, about him stealing from my dad, and he didn't like what I said so as a vengeance move my brother filed a 302 on me, and I didn't even know he did that! He made up so many lies, and I was out shopping when I got a frantic calls, and one of them was Greg. I picked up and Greg was telling me how my brother issued a fake 302 on me, and so Greg kept on telling me to meet him at this place he was at, and I did, and he was just advising me to be calm, well, I was hysterical, and my dad came and picked me up and my dad was livid about my brother, bitching him out and so was my mom. Greg seemed calm though.


Well later on in the night I am stupidly at this mental hospital, wasting space for someone that actually needs to be there. I was scared, and never been in that situation, so I didn't know what to do. Well I was released right away, and my dad told me that Greg kept on calling his phone to make sure I was ok, and he kept on calling my mom. Well later on in the night Greg got drunk and called my brother and bitched him out, and called him names, and he seemed really upset and my brother said that Greg said "You don't understand man, I love your sister! How could you do this to her? How evil are you?" Well, what's funny is again my dad and my brother and my mom told me this. Not Greg. Greg didn't tell me he called up my brother, and he remembered cause he told my dad that he bitched out my brother, the next day.


Well, he did call me a couple of times after that. But then we texted and everything was fine, but then he distanced himself again from me, it was like WTF? I told him how much I appreciate him for doing what he did, but yet he still distance himself from me? It was kinda weird. Well I notice he isn't really talking to me, unless I text him or call him first then he will. I just don't get this behavior? Like why does he compliment me behind my back? Why didn't he tell me he bitched my brother out, but he told everyone else? Also he even lied to my dad once saying that me and him were dating, and he was "joking on a square" saying he's gonna marry me, and on Facebook as a joke he said I was pregnant with his child and that we're getting married. I thought it was weird, but he quickly confessed to everyone it was a lie, and that he was just joking. I know you're not inside his mind, but just give me your input. Like what do you gather from this? Like why is he distancing himself from me after that situation? Why would he compliment me behind my back? Why would he "joke on a square" to our friends about marrying me and having his child? Thank you for reading!

Edited by xxJuliexx
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devilish innocent

He likes you, but you said you weren't ready to date. He's keeping his distance because of that. He doesn't want to push himself on to you when you're not interested. He could also be distancing himself a bit from the friendship so as not to get hurt.

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I'd say Greg has reality problems and is a chronic liar. First, it should be a red flag when someone who doesn't know you yet really decides they're in love because that means they're in love with the ideal that is in their head and then they try to fit women into that ideal. So it's not always healthy.


I think maybe he realizes he got caught in some lies by your family and is now on guard about it. I certainly wouldn't keep seeing someone who said you were pregnant with his child on Facebook. I mean, it's good he recanted right away, but you have to consider the possibility that he might not have if there weren't people calling him out on it. He may or may not have been truly trying to take over your life there, you know.


Honestly, if he stepped away, I'd let him. But if move forward, do not let him tell lies claiming you as his own and make it clear to him whether you are dating or not. If you know he thinks he loves you and you are seeing him, to me, that is dating -- it certainly is in his mind. And don't let him rush you into any commitments. A guy who is lying, you need to keep your eyes wide open for at least 2 years to make sure you know he's not a real mess inside.

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