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Finding Mr.Right

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Here is the question, will I ever find Mr.Right??, all I ever seem to date is Mr.Wrong...why I can't I just find a nice guy?...


I think I am fairly attractive, smart, funny, and honest. I am not a super model but then who is?. I think I have a lot going for me, but I seem to get into deadend relationships, where I end up getting really hurt. Will it ever change? I am so sad.

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My guess is you've passed up a lot of nice guys because you just weren't interested and you find the jerks more attractive.


You will one day find exactly the right person with the right chemistry for you. Just don't give up your search...but don't preoccupy yourself with it either.


Those sorts of things happen when you LEAST expect them to.


And please don't be too sad. That feeling won't attract a lot of the right guys to you. Believe me, you are not alone in this problem.

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I am asking the same questions in my life too. I have a guy that I go to school with that I like but I think he just likes me as a friend. People tried to set us up and he said that he felt wierd because we are such good friends. I thought that the best relationships could come from friendship, but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I only seem to attract guys that aren't my type. Someone told me its just a phase that everyone goes through. I hope he's right and that it passes quickly. Let me know if your luck gets any better. I'm thinking you find Mr. Right when you least expect it........Good Luck!

Here is the question, will I ever find Mr.Right??, all I ever seem to date is Mr.Wrong...why I can't I just find a nice guy?... I think I am fairly attractive, smart, funny, and honest. I am not a super model but then who is?. I think I have a lot going for me, but I seem to get into deadend relationships, where I end up getting really hurt. Will it ever change? I am so sad.
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I am sorry you are going threw the same thing as me, but it is also nice to know there are other people with this problem as well. Thanks for responding. I have to agree that I always thought the best relationships would come out of being friend's first as well, but I am finding that isn't the case. Right now I am dating a guy who is okay, but the spark just isn't there. I like him more than he like's me. I am too chicken to leave the relationship fearing I won't be able to find someone else, and I guess I don't want to go thru the pain of leaving him even though my gut tells me too. I wish someone would have told me that life is really hard..*LOL*


take care and keep in touch.....and if your friend just wants to keep it as friends I would, this is how I ended up in this situation, I pushed him into a realtionship when he really didn't want one from the start.



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Thank you for your kind word's. I pray that you are right and that one day I find him. I have to agree with you I am spending way too much time thinking about this. Somehow I have become really caught up in finding a guy, and I am not sure why.


I will keep in touch with you..



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YOU WRITE: "Somehow I have become really caught up in finding a guy, and I am not sure why."


It's called biology...and for females, the urge comes and goes, gaining in freqency as the end of child baring years come to a close.


But don't get too caught up in it. Spending your life in peace, love and harmony with a decent guy is equal in importance to replenishing the earth. There are plenty of people out there to have babies while you are taking your time browsing the terra firma for Mr. Right.

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Hey, its funny, I am with a guy I don't feel so much for too. It is the most wrong situation someone could be in. He lives about an hour and a half from me and he is leaving the country for good in May. So that relationship wouldn't be right even if I wanted it to. And I am too afraid of being alone to break up with him. I'd rather all the dissapointment in the end. Smart, huh :) But yeah, you're right about pushing people into relationships. It's never good to like a guy more than he likes you. But unfortunatly it seems like mutual relationships are hard to find. I guess our best bet is to constantly have our eyes open to new opportunities. Best of luck, keep in touch


:) Val

I am sorry you are going threw the same thing as me, but it is also nice to know there are other people with this problem as well. Thanks for responding. I have to agree that I always thought the best relationships would come out of being friend's first as well, but I am finding that isn't the case. Right now I am dating a guy who is okay, but the spark just isn't there. I like him more than he like's me. I am too chicken to leave the relationship fearing I won't be able to find someone else, and I guess I don't want to go thru the pain of leaving him even though my gut tells me too. I wish someone would have told me that life is really hard..*LOL* take care and keep in touch.....and if your friend just wants to keep it as friends I would, this is how I ended up in this situation, I pushed him into a realtionship when he really didn't want one from the start. J-J
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Oh my gosh can I relate to you!!!!!!! Everything you said is exactly the same for me, except he is not leaving the country..LOL.


what are you planning on doing?? I am thinking about breaking up with this cheese I am with, the only thing is I can see myself crawling back to him once I do. Somehow I know I deserve to be treated better than this, but I am sticking around anyways....not that he is really mean or anything..he isn't...it is just not what I want in a relationship....


do you have ICQ? I am sure we could talk for hours..LOL..


take care....



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He suddenly appears without having to look.


You can search for Mr. Right, but you will not find him. So give up searching, settle back, and you will, one day, be very surprised and overwhelmed when Mr. Right knocks on your door.


Trust me, I had Mrs. Right unexpectedly appear before me. Had I of searched for her, I would have never found her.

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You are funny, I like how you called your guy cheese. I say the same thing! I don't know what I'm going to do. My guy isn't bad, he'sweet, but its not enough. And he is going home to Australia, and thats like the total opposite side of the world. So that situation is a bust. I'm still trying to make things work with the guy in school. But his problem is that he's in a bad relationship with a girl for a year and a half. I really hope they break up. As for you, try not to be desperate. Stick with your guy even if he's cheesy, but give yourself time to go out with friends too. Cause chances are, you aren't going to meet Mr. Right if your always around Mr. Cheese! We should totally talk. I have AIM and my name is ValKravitz (cause I'm going to marry Lenny Kravitz!). Hope to talk soon :)

Val Oh my gosh can I relate to you!!!!!!! Everything you said is exactly the same for me, except he is not leaving the country..LOL. what are you planning on doing?? I am thinking about breaking up with this cheese I am with, the only thing is I can see myself crawling back to him once I do. Somehow I know I deserve to be treated better than this, but I am sticking around anyways....not that he is really mean or anything..he isn't...it is just not what I want in a relationship.... do you have ICQ? I am sure we could talk for hours..LOL.. take care.... J-J
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