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ExDate Still Friend input

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I stop seeing an Ex-Date, told him I will be friends and when I meet someone new I will stop hanging out with him. We are still friends. I feel deeply in love with this guy and our connection was immediate, but he was emotionally unattached and insecure where I soon found out his thing was dating "several women at same time". I told him while we were dating I was planning to slowdown and stop seeing him intimately to save my heart. Think he didn't think I would follow through and stop. He kept coming around (not while I was with new guy) and I kept it Friendship Only, no intimacy.


I meet someone new. New guy also still has friend with ex date like Me. But I do not Hang Out with Ex-date like he does. We both are honest about this. My New Guy been friends with his Ex-date for years and I am not about to interfere, but do feel she is trying to interfere with our New relationship. I do trust my new guy and I feel I need to see how strong Our Relationship will be through keeping an eye on this Ex-Date of his. I am not jealous type and feel things should play naturally. My New Guy knows I will not tolerate cheating.


Now as for My Ex-date, we hung out for almost two years and intimacy lasted for few months. Recently he asked me out and I told him no (my morals and self principle to be with one man only) even thou my New Guy Hangs out with his. I could tell that My Old Ex-Date realized he wanted me back and have hopes he can have 2nd Chance with me. I am to to afraid of being hurt by him because of his Multiple Cheating Behavior. And I feel this New Guy is better. My Feelings towards the New Guy is Growing the more I spend time him.


I could see Ex-Date really needed to know how I felt about him. What I did is emailed and FB my Ex-Date that I appreciated our time we had together and that my feelings for him in the past was real. I also mentioned that he will always be my friend and in my heart. I found closure with him and could see he did not and needed closure. I am good friends with his family still. I know he did me wrong and hurt me, but this is about forgiveness and being a True Friend. Instead of letting him suffer, like I did in the past with him "wondering and hoping" if I had a chance with a relationship with each other. I contacted him so he could stop being hurt, I seen his eye water when I told him I will stop seeing him and disappointment in his voice when I declined his invitations to see me several times.


I emailed him telling him my True Feelings, It was short with how I cared for him truly and appreciated our times we shared. He moved out of state and don't think we will see each other again, except on Facebook. He told me he is coming back to my state in the future. He knows I am in a New Relationship.


I hope I did the right thing emailing him. :o

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