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Is my boyfriend cheating on me with an ex friend with benefits?

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Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a little over a year now and plan on moving in together in fall. Everything between us is just perfect except for one thing he keeps texting his past

f*ck buddy.

He tried to go over one day but she ended up canceling on him. I confront him everytime I find msgs which has been 5 times over the time we have been together and they are never sexual usually she never even answers him.

The text that worries me though also is one night he got super drunk and I was asleep so I wasn't texting him back he was telling me he loved me and to come over. But then the next day I noticed on Facebook he also msged her saying hey yo.

I don't know why he keeps trying to talk to her when things between us are ok he swears up and down that im the one for him and that he would never cheat.


Im just wondering why when he's drunk she came into his mind to try and contact her when I wasn't replying to him. I told him it was either me or her obviously he picked me but please can I get some advice on this! So confused..

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I told him it was either me or her obviously he picked me but please can I get some advice on this! So confused..

You told him that, he chose you, yet he is still contacting her?

He doesn't understand how ultimatums work?

Or you don't..?

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You need to decide whether you can deal with this. I couldn't.



If he texts her again, especially while drunk, I'd leave. I certainly wouldn't be counting on moving in with him in the fall. I'd want to see several months of good behavior before I made that kind of a commitment.

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