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X burned letters.


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Did you keep your love letters? My ex burned hers and I feel bad.


She dumped me over 6 months ago and I took it hard after a seven year relationship. I was fobbed off with weak excuses and left disorientated and miserable, completely ignored and blocked.


It took me months to realize the good side of her had gone, she completely changed. Reading her social network profile helped me see what had really happened. It was a real life demonstration of how a person can be changed influenced and dragged down by their surroundings.


I eventually stopped reading her Twitter after I became sick and tired of the new her. I'd seen enough.


I checked it today after someone jokingly asked me if I'd stopped stalking her.


I know it's a not a good idea but if I saw something that would hurt me I'm okay with it, I can process the pain and get over it, I choose to feel hurt.


Well I read she burned my letters. She wrote it in a satirical way saying how much of a good way it is to start your Friday. I imagine she enjoyed doing it and she most likely read them with her friends and had a good laugh.


When she dumped me she said she would keep the letters, that they meant too much to her to throw away. I've kept her letters and all the photos of her. I couldn't ever imagine burning her letters, they represent the love we once shared, it was very strong and sweet but after what she's done I'm left looking at them like they meant nothing.


I feel like I'm keeping the other half of something that doesn't meaning anything anymore. I might as well burn them too because I don't want to read them knowing they came from who she is now.


She even posted a while back how she wished she could have certain memories erased from her life.


I must be a really horrible person that she doesn't even want to hold onto any thought of us. I don't think I am horrible but what if I don't even realize it? I bet she destroyed the metal rose I welded her too.


Could she of just burned them to move on and I'm looking too much into it and being too sensitive? Maybe she is just posting it to get a kick out of me, knowing I might possibly read it.


It's a scary contrast how she is enjoying burning my letters today.

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What's scary is how you keep looking at her Twitter, 6 months after the fact.


Neither of you have good post break behaviour. She keeps airing her dirty laundry on Twitter, trying to show that she's "fine", and you can't stop checking up on her.

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My ex changed on a dime too after a long relationship. Really lame isn't it? Don't worry about the letters. I don't think there's much purpose in keeping them anyways. Some people put them in a box for sentimental value, but really.. what's the point? The only thing I can see coming from keeping those things is pain. A lot of people burn them, and just take it as a way that they move on. I don't see the point in keeping pictures of ex's. Right before my ex gf broke up with me she gave me a bunch of her best pictures of herself... yuck.. threw that stuff all away once I knew what was up.

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My ex changed on a dime too after a long relationship. Really lame isn't it? Don't worry about the letters. I don't think there's much purpose in keeping them anyways. Some people put them in a box for sentimental value, but really.. what's the point? The only thing I can see coming from keeping those things is pain. A lot of people burn them, and just take it as a way that they move on. I don't see the point in keeping pictures of ex's. Right before my ex gf broke up with me she gave me a bunch of her best pictures of herself... yuck.. threw that stuff all away once I knew what was up.


I'm an emotional purger. I delete/throw out everything. It's the only way I feel better. I don't want to reminisce, I want to move forward.

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Iunno personally...to me she sounds nuts. It's one thing to throw reminders in the garbage but to burn them and enjoy it? That's some satanic black magic. Sick ****.


What if she tried sacrificing you one day? Or leeching you and using your blood for voodoo. What if...


Just forget it, it's your own fault for stalking her online and checking what she's upto. I don't care if you were madly in love with her or your relationship was different. Nobody deserves being obsessed over in that manner.


If you could go 2 months without stalking her online and not knowing what's up eventually her memory will fade and you won't have to worry about letter-burning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my god! It's been six months already? I remember your first posts!! Wow, time does fly!!

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Maybe she is just posting it to get a kick out of me, knowing I might possibly read it.


I've done this before, so this could be a possibility. Spitefulness is a stinky cologne that lingers. But really, does it really matter whether or not she destroyed them?

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I feel like I'm keeping the other half of something that doesn't meaning anything anymore. I might as well burn them too because I don't want to read them knowing they came from who she is now.

Do not throw it away now. Chances are you will regret it.

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Through my minimal experience, I learned its a good idea to keep the stuff- do not delete, burn, destroy evidence. This way, if she accuses and gossips that you both never happened, and you are some stalkering pester out of nowhere - you will have the backup evidence, the letters, photos, whatever, where you exchanged lovely sentiments towards each other. If she burns, and you burn, then there is no evidence left.

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