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Article : most women don't deserve a good man.

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If they are all around bad human beings? Absolutely.


I skimmed the article, but the girls in it appeared to be immature, confused, and not particularly bright; they didn't seem evil.

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In some cases, the blogger is describing behavior that exhibits a lack of self-respect (getting so drunk one pees herself, or making out with random men), but aren't harming anyone but themselves.


I wonder why he seems angry at them? His anger, rather than pity, seems to speak to his own issues. Especially considering that some of these women are nearly young enough to be his daughters.

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In some cases, the blogger is describing behavior that exhibits a lack of self-respect (getting so drunk one pees herself, or making out with random men), but aren't harming anyone but themselves.


When I was in my teens I would sometimes snog boys I barely knew, and I was relatively conservative. It was just part of being a teenager. I'd grown out of it by my late teens.


Some of what was described in the article was alarming (eg the herpes - no big deal, just like cold sores down there). Some sounded familiar...


Now she is the perfect mommy, looking down her nose at the twenty something’s still in the game pulling off her old tricks. She will post advice filled memes and inspiring credos she never lived by to make herself appear like the mom of the year and wife of the century. She has all the answers. We all should envy her and her perfect little family.


Sounds like a lot of people. They grow up and disparage the young people of today for going a bit wild in pretty much the same as they did at that age. In fact, the writer of the article...40 now. Filled with indignation about the way women in their 20s and 30s behave. Young still have the ability to annoy the older generation and draw out "young people of today comments". Even if it makes me feel a bit ancient, there's a comforting plus ça change about it.


It sounds as though the guy is still insisting on frequenting night clubs and hanging around a much younger group. Making negative judgements about exactly the type of drunk, sexualised behaviour night clubs were designed to encourage and house (and have, indeed, encouraged and housed for many years).

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Certain truths and concepts need to be built upon each other in sequence. The truth is that, yes, all humans are miserably pathetic and deserving of nothing but suffering and heartache. Everyone must first come to this realization. Then--and only then--will you realize that you shouldn't be treated based on your own merit, but rather because you are made in God's image, you should be treated well by others anyway. If one fails to reach both of these stages in sequence, then they will run into problems. You, yourself, do NOT deserve to be treated well based on who you are, BUT since you are made in God's image, you do--because God is good, not you.


Hope I didn't give anyone a headache, lol.

Edited by M30USA
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Don't worry - as a preventative measure, I take the tablets BEFORE I read your posts - !



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I think the fact his next post is titled "Real Men Don't wait for a Yes" and is about how he's a "playa" who shags as many girls as he can tells me that his behaviour is as bad as the girls he claims to despise. Losers like this claim to have some sort of deep insight into the psyche of women when in reality all they do is describe the behaviour of a few unpleasant individuals and use this as 'evidence' that all women are evil. Comparing the average female to these girls is like comparing the average Christian to the Imperial Dragon of the ku klux clan and reading his posts will give you as much insight into women as a nazi website will into Jews.

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Most women don't get turned on by the values that are traditionally promoted in men. So yes, most women don't deserve a guy that doesn't turn them on.

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Thought the article was a load of rubbish to be honest, but then it does come from ROK. An openly misogynistic and homophobic website..

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Funny how women attack the article and fail to get some male perspective from it. Misogynist I say hell no. Women on here use that term too loosely.


One some level this quote from the article is right: "You ever notice in movies and TV shows that when a man cheats on his girl he is portrayed as a total piece of trash misogynist? But what happens when the female character cheats on her man? The man is still portrayed as a piece of trash misogynist that deserved to be cheated on. She was just a victim and we are supposed to be happy she left him for the other man. This is the mentality of the American women, and like music, it seems to only get worse with every generation."


We have gotten to the point that anything male centric is seen as misogynist. It's not hate but frustration and that is a totally different thing. I understand it strikes some emotions women but it's not hate but frustration. A lack of understanding and the attempt by someone to give some insight and their opinion of what they see. It's written for men by men so the language is going to be what you see. It's like a guy giving his buddy advice.

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I could create a misandrist blog about some bad traits that some males indulge in and then project it on all males, stating they don't deserve a good woman. But like the linked blog in the opening post, it means nothing.

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Most Women Don?t Deserve A Good Man



What do you guys think ?


It would be a pretty good article if he admitted his stats in regards to these women is skewed, that he is subjective, that not all of them are like that but that a decent percentage is.

If he attacked just the mindset of these women instead of generalizing it as something 'all' women do ... it would have been something else.

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I used to think it was a gender thing but more and more I realize the quality of people in general has just gone downhill. I wish I could take a time machine back to the 90s sometimes.

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What do you guys think ?


Yikes, glad I'm old. I don't know if the internet created this or is just the messenger but either way I hope something changes or we're doomed. There's no doubt I've experienced examples of some of what was described and they fit right in with examples of a myriad of personalities and social interactions which were positive and loving. Life is a mixed bag. Perhaps that blogger could try a different set of glasses to see things differently, IDK. Even if it's a 'vent', still, whoa... tone is everything.


In line with feeling happy that my exW apparently found a good guy and has been with him a number of years, that's probably how I'd look at things. Hopeful that they do (find a good guy) and happy if they do. Life is brief.

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That is exactly like saying that most men don't deserve a good woman - pointless, blatant, self-serving generalizations that do no one any good.

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Chivalry, traditional values, strong morals, dominance... Like a modern day Samurai gets me so wet in the panties. l can tell if it is real or just an act though. Those type of men l will willingly give all of myself to.

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Chivalry, traditional values, strong morals, dominance... Like a modern day Samurai gets me so wet in the panties. l can tell if it is real or just an act though. Those type of men l will willingly give all of myself to.



Which is also why l am not married yet. haha. l cannot find a man that will protect his own with everything he is and be the hunter for his family, while we stay devoted and loyal to him completely and support him in whatever way he needs it to make the decisions and choices for us as a whole. Like a unit that cannot be broken. Non-existent anymore. :(

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Most Women Don?t Deserve A Good Man



What do you guys think ?


Did the Love Shack change from an Interpersonal Relationship forum? If not, the only relationship this is going to attract or strengthen is the one with therapists or divorce lawyers. That's what I think. :laugh: Keenly, do you actually read this ROKs stuff and ascribe your personal ideology to it?

Never would have thought that in a million years,


Edited by Grumpybutfun
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Did the Love Shack change from an Interpersonal Relationship forum? If not, the only relationship this is going to attract or strengthen is the one with therapists or divorce lawyers. That's what I think. :laugh: Keenly, do you actually read this ROKs stuff and ascribe your personal ideology to it?

Never would have thought that in a million years,



I had never heard of it until a girl put this on her Facebook feed. I read it and wanted to see what you all thought.


I have no opinion on it other than the guy seems kinda douchey.

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That is exactly like saying that most men don't deserve a good woman - pointless, blatant, self-serving generalizations that do no one any good.


While I don't believe either men or women are better than the other, I do believe that our current society forces men to behave better by invoking stricter punishment for them. Any honest person can admit that women have very little reason to behave well, either in marriage or society. If they do the same things that men do, very little or nothing will happen to them. Now, human nature being what it is, ANY person under those circumstances would develop poor character. If I had no consequence for robbing a bank, I would, wouldn't you?

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