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Update for Lovelylady ......

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Lovelylady :


Just wanted u to know that I grew some cajones and just picked up the phone and called her. Phone rang and rang ......great i finally call her and she doesnt answer.....LOL........she called right back though. Asked her out and she said that would be great !


I guess because of the feeling I had after the first date - I knew she would say yes, but I just needed another persons point of view. Thanks for helping me out !


Now I can start worrying about the 2nd date......LOL......


Should I start to ask "relationship" questions ? Not about her ex - bf's or anything just what she wants out of a relationship, stuff like that ???? Also is the 2nd date a good time to start holding hands a little, touching her more and should if i get a good vibe with her should i try for the first kiss before that awkward moment right before u say good bye ???/


Thanks for ur help !

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Hey there Daboyz-


I'm so glad that things went well with your asking her out a second time - did you go yet?


If you haven't, I would say - probably not the best idea to be asking about what she wants out of a relationship on the second date - you may want to wait a bit on that (unless of course she begins talking about it on her own).


I don't think there's anything wrong with holding hands with her (or at least attempting to) on your second date. Frankly, I love holding hands and I'm not sure that a lot men really understand how nice it can be for a woman when a man just smoothly slides his hand into hers - it's really nice. Absolutely kiss her on the second date - and if you can find a time do it before the end of the date, i think that's nice. Don't wait for the third date.


I'm excited for you - I really hope it works out. Please keep me updated :-)

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Well the 2nd date is suppose to be this Sat Feb 5th.


I called her yesterday to set up time and stuff but got her voicemail. Left a message for her to call me back. No luck so far !!! Im starting to let all the negative thoughts creep into my head .....LOL......Dont know what to do !

Its worse cause we really got along and had such a great time together. Just wondering why girls play games like this ...LOL....guys do it to but I WISH we didnt !


She's probably sitting there makin me sweat a little....LOL.....Read somewhere girls never call back right away cause it makes them feel desperate ! I dont know !


Just hope everything works out !

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Update :


Well its Feb 5th and I should of had my 2nd date with this girl. However she called earlier in the week. She was pretty pissed off and told me the bad news. She had requested the day off when I asked her out a week and a half ago, but when her schedule came out she was working on both days she requested off SAT and SUPER BOWL SUN !!!! They only have 5 bartenders and 2 of them are out of town, which means the remaining 3 need to work thos nights. Man this Sucks !!!


Anyway I had already bought 2 tickets to a cirque du soleil show and i cant get my money back. So when she called I told her that I could try and change the date to a later time. She said to call and see if they can do that and she will try to find out what her schedule looks like next week. As of now she hasnt called back and I WILL NOT call her cause I dont want to be one of those guys that gets to pushy. I understand girls play these games with guys and I dont want to seem like I have a problem or sumthing.....LOL.....I get the feeling she is like me and doesnt like to talk over the phone at this point so that might be one reason she hasnt called back. Cause when I see her we flirt like crazy and stuff, its not like she tries to avoid me. When we do hang out we have so much fun ....I just dont understand.


Is there more going on here or is she just attempting to brush me off ?? I need help .....BAD !

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hey daboyz


i really don't think that she's trying to brush you off. you said she was angry that she was unable to get those days off and she said that she would like to see the show with you if you could change the dates.


it seems as though she'd like to go out with you again, it's just that getting to that 2nd date is proving to be a little more challenging than perhaps you (and she) had hoped.


has progress been made?

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Sat came and went without going to the show. I did call the box office up and make an excuse that my gf was really sick and that i needed to change dates if at all possible.....LOL......they gave me a date at the end of March !! Least I didnt watch the money go down the drain !


Anyway ......Sunday came and went to the bar with my buddy. We get there and no sign "of the girl" .....lol.....so my buddy asks her roomate and fellow bartender " where's Tiff at ? " she replies......that another bartender switched with her at last minute so she could work !!! Well GREAT .....she can get off on Sunday but noone would work for her on Sat ??? See the problems i run into ???


Either she didnt really want to get off on Sat OR noone would work for her and then the one girl at the last minute decided to work for her on Sunday.......I DONT KNOW .......


I think im just gonna call her up .....and be like I would like to take u out again, I thought we had a great time last time we went out, and i would like the opportunity to get to know u better.....just wanted to know how u felt about that ?


At least this way i would have a definite answer and not have to play the " what did that mean game " ......LOL , just confusing cause when we are together we have a great time and she gives a vibe off that shes interested.....ive told u about everything.


Help ......LOL !!!!!

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The last time I spoke with her was the Wed before we were suppose to go out. We played phone tag for a couple of days before that, but i actually talked to her on Wed. Thats when she told me the bad news. I told her to see when she was off when her new schedule came out and let me know cause i could reschedule the tickets. She is going to utah with her friend on feb 16th to go sking. Other than that i havent heard anything from her ! I sent her a text message today. Basically said I enjoyed takin u out and would like to take u out again. But kinda feel like Sat was a brush off. So was just wonderin how she felt about me takin her out again. Said to let me know either way. That is the last time i call or text her until i physically see her up at the bar whenever that may be !! I dont see why she wouldnt call or text me back after the text I sent her ? So the ball is in her court ! Im just hoping she is playin some kinda hard to get game....LOL.....



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