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Missing my sex life with my man..

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Dear you,


I need an advice!! Me and my boyfriend use to have sex a lot and it was very nice. Since we moved together it's very different and he doesn't seem to bother about giving me pleasure anymore. I feel very sad and since he looks more and more at women in the street I just think he is bored with me!! But if I give him pleasure, he is very happy but doesn't touch me! I feel very frustrated and when I told him about it he replied that if I was not happy with him I'd better change boyfriend..but I want him! He keeps telling me that he loves me but for me having sex is the best proof of love!! I begin to have more and more fantasies and even to have very sexual dreams...and I have difficulties being nice to him or hiding my frustration.


What to do????

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This is a real toughie.


This really has more to do with his own psychological make up than it has to do with your sexiness or attractiveness. There are some men who, after they have their woman totally available to them, just lose interest in sex. It just happens like that.


If that's the case, you need to start doing things away from him (leaving your place when he's there to do things with friends), taking trips without him, etc. Make yourself a bit of a challenge. Being a challenge is a lot easier to pull off when you're not living with someone.


If he's looking at girls in front of you, that's pretty rude. Start looking at guys.


Start dressing more sexy, change your look in various ways, do things you think will make yourself appear different and sexy. I know this is difficult and shouldn't have to be, but with your guy in the frame of mind that he's in, it's your only choice in the matter.


Giving him a nice, sensual massage may get him in the mood, if he's up to it. There aren't many people who don't enjoy a good rub down...and you can get him excited if you happen to start rubbing in the right places. But start with his neck and back. The bottom of the feet are very stimulating. Then go for the sexy parts.


You have got to get him to have a burning desire for you and that won't happen if you are around him every minute he's home. And when you're together, flirt with him a bit and then pull back. Tease him. You've got to get him excited some way and you won't do that being sweetsie, sweetsie to him all the time.


His remark that if you didn't like the way he was you could find another boyfriend is VERY disturbing. That is a serious statement. You may ultimately have to take him up on that. He really doesn't sound like he cares about showing you affection and meeting your other emotional and physical needs. That's not exactly marriage material in most books.


But what he said was absolutely correct.

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