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I am concerned about one thing. I have been seeing one girl for about 10 months now. Our circumstances are such, that we really don't get a chance to spend a lot of time together. She goes to school and works part time, and I work full time. So basically over the past 3-4 months we have only seen each ohter once a weekend. We barely have sex with each other, and whatever sexual contact we have is during vacations. Now, her parents prohibited her to go on vacations with me any more, because her dad is concerned that I might impregnete her or something like that.


So, this lack of contact sort of affected us in a way, where we have been having little arguments over the phone, where I would ask her to make some time for us, and just try to go out on vacations with me (over weekends)


Because that is the only time we can get together, and make love, ETCETERA..


ANyway, she is claiming that this relationship is not working out, and she seems down when I call her, and to make story short, should I just leave her alone? I mean, I want to be in this relationship, but why can't she just say NO sometimes to her parents, and go with me??? She is 20 years old


Any suggestions! Just because of circumstances I hate to end this relationship, but I sense she is getting little cold towards me. It's not my fault that she has no time and her parents control her.

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This girl is an adult, and has told you her feelings. And yes, if she genuinely wanted to be in a relationship with you, she would to a degree resist what her parents say...she would try to make time for you in this relationship. But whatever her motives, THAT IS WHERE HER FEELING ARE. And you must respect that.


You sense that she is getting a little cold on you? Then you go 10 degrees colder. No, don't call her at all. Wait for her to call you. If and when she does, ask her frankly why she is calling you. Not in a mean way, just inquire what she DOES want with you. This relationship is NOT meeting your needs, and this lady has told you in no uncertain terms that this is not the right situation for her right now. Take a hint, buddy.


I'm telling you, and I know I'm right, because I've been there, that this whole thing probably does have SOMETHING to do with her parents. But I would guess it was a very strong possibility that she is the ultimate decision maker. The power of love is just way too strong for her to not at least sound affectionate toward you on the phone, and yes...make some quality time for you on the weekend.


Your pining attitude is something that I've made the mistake of having way too many times. This girl is NOT meeting your needs at the present time, and neither is the vice-versa true. You need to take a serious look at what she does have to offer you at the present time?...pain?


Your pining after this girl, and trying to "change her mind," or "convince" her is not only selfish, but is under-estimatingn her...she's perfectly capable of weighing out the situation, and making her decision.


And do you really want to be with some 20-yr old chirpie that can't provide you with what you need, anyway?



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Paulie is right on the mark here. Why waste your time. Bottom line, when a lady really likes you she will do whatever's necessary to spend time with you. And she could easily do that and still respect her parents. Trust me.


Paulie: Have a great weekend and don't do anything I wouldn't do if I were in your condition.

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