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Love at first sight?

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Do you guys believe in love at first sight, and has anyone ever had that thing happen when you meet someone and you know they are "the ONE". I think I had that experience.

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I had that happen to me once..


He "seemed" like he was the "One" we connected really well (at first) he was really sweet (at first) he really pushed for a relationship with me fast (red flag) I think he told me he loved me after dating for about 2 weeks.. he told me I was his soulmate..


Turns out, he wasn't the "One" he wasn't so sweet or so nice.. when he said he liked spending time with me and wanted me all to himself, he wasn't kidding.. he was controlling..


Had the relationship for almost 2 years.. and honestly the best part of it was the first 2 months or so..


I won't say you cannot feel a strong attraction for someone right away.. but IMO Love at first sight maybe should be taken in literal terms.. as in you love what you SEE.. but it isn't until you know whats in that persons heart and mind that you can Love the person they are.

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Originally posted by alicia24

Do you guys believe in love at first sight, and has anyone ever had that thing happen when you meet someone and you know they are "the ONE". I think I had that experience.


Yes it has happened to me twice but both were fleeting relationships.


L.A.F.S. is always based upon physical attraction anyways so it usually dies a quick death.

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Yes. And I married the guy. :cool:


Rare, though. Alphamale is correct there - relationships like that generally are fleeting. If you don't have any basis of your relationship outside of that physical attraction and "being in love" then it won't last long. You wake up one day, the "in love" feeling has worn off and you turn over and realize you don't have the least idea who that person really is. Outside of the sex and the 'love' part they are a complete stranger for all intents and purposes.


Luckily my husband and I are great friends and genuinely like each other even outside of what we share as a married couple and as parents.

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It happens...


I watched it happen with my brother, two of my friends... and I think even maybe my parents, but maybe not.


As for me... my girlfriend and I were close friends for 12 or 13 years before we decided to date. And then it took less than a year to figure out that we wanted to marry.


It's a rare and wonderful thing though. Treasure it if its real. Saves a lot of heartache. Be wary if its not real... it can cause a lot of pain.

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