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Do you really hate "religion"...

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florence of suburbia
I believe AIDS originated from the gay lifestyle, lest it would not be prevalent still among gay men.


There's a very basic flaw in logic here.

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I feel sorry for you. I really do. Your intolerance for what's completely normal and part of the natural world astounds me.


Anything but normal. Everything's pretty clear-cut, excepting for those determined to stray off the path.

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So, for you, saying the below is evidently out of the question?


"I follow my faith because I feel it has given my life value and meaning, and made me a happier and better person. I recognize that others have different views and beliefs, and that others have found value and meaning for their lives and become happier people through those different beliefs, even if those different beliefs don't happen to include a belief in a higher power. I wish them all well, and I genuinely hope that they continue to find happiness and meaning on the path they are following."


I'm not really surprised, but I confess to being disappointed. I'd hoped for better from you. Foolish of me, I now see.


I'm against anything against God's Word. Or anything that adversely affects babies/children/future generations (for starters).


So no, I'm not alright with sin.

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Anything but normal. Everything's pretty clear-cut, excepting for those determined to stray off the path.


What's clear cut? Your refusal to accept homosexual behavior in animals and humans? Then yes, I agree with you there.


It seems that your narrow view of what's completely natural makes you determined to stray off the path of what can't be refuted: god aka the creator aka mother nature created gay people and gay animals.


By your logic, the entire natural world and humanity is determined to stray off the path...but what path...the path of god? If that's the path you mean, that makes no sense whatsoever.


Church and State can't interfere with Mother Nature. They can try and create laws, rules, and regulations against homosexuality but it won't change the fact that homosexuality in animals and humans is perfectly normal.

Edited by writergal
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What's clear cut? Your refusal to accept homosexual behavior in animals and humans? Then yes, I agree with you there.


It seems that your narrow view of what's completely natural makes you determined to stray off the path of what can't be refuted: god aka the creator aka mother nature created gay people and gay animals.


By your logic, the entire natural world and humanity is determined to stray off the path...but what path...the path of god? If that's the path you mean, that makes no sense whatsoever.


Church and State can't interfere with Mother Nature. They can try and create laws, rules, and regulations against homosexuality but it won't change the fact that homosexuality in animals and humans is perfectly normal.


People are not born to be homosexual.

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I'm against anything against God's Word. Or anything that adversely affects babies/children/future generations (for starters).


So no, I'm not alright with sin.


But you can't make a blanket statement like that without proof that homosexuality adversely affects babies/children/future generations. Where's your data? Where's your empirical evidence? God's Word is just a Strawman's argument not to mention a hasty generalization. Where is your proof (outside of the bible) that gay couples make for bad parents?


If you don't like gay people, fine, that's your issue. But don't hide behind "God's Word." That's just Christian/religious bigotry.


An opinion in the absence of evidence is just prejudice. And you are prejudice.

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I'm against anything against God's Word. Or anything that adversely affects babies/children/future generations (for starters).


So no, I'm not alright with sin.


Good thing the very same amendment that supports your right to believe this way also protects me from it.

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People are not born to be homosexual.


Prove it. Link me to scientific data that states that. Sorry but you can't because there is no scientific data that proves that homosexuality is not normal. I just gave you a list of animals from the natural world that were researched and studied by scientists, who found certain species of animals practice homosexuality. Same for humans. Some humans are born homosexual.


Again I think you just don't like gay people. Fine. Some people don't like gay people. I happen to love gay people and know quite a few who are married parents to multiple/single children who have nothing wrong with them because the either have two dads or two moms.


Whether you like it or not, society is not the stereotypical nuclear family that was promoted in 1940s advertisements and tv programs. Plus, gay people have been around since the creation of the human race. I bet you anything there's a gay neanderthal out there, buried in an iceberg just waiting to be found.

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Well, after reading through countless posts on this thread, I've taken a lot of consideration to the non-religious' main complaints. There seemed to be some common threads uniting many. Above all, it seems the non-religious passionately yearn for more Christians like this:



and this:



and maybe even this (warning...PG-13!):
















Haha...just kidding, of course (especially the last video...I'm glad she loves Jesus :p)!! :D:):D. TFW, you're totally right, we should be able to laugh at ourselves!!

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This organization exists because of such religious-based bigotry that is so prevalent in Christianity in the U.S. https://www.faithinamerica.org/bigotry/


From their website:


"Religion-based bigotry is the foundation of anti-gay attitudes in our society and in the minds of a majority of Americans, particularly persons of faith. The term religion-based bigotry was coined because it best fits the description of the problem. The term religion-based bigotry encompasses the attitudes of prejudice, hostility or discrimination that are falsely justified by religious teachings or belief. We will never see full and equal rights unless we address the root of people’s anti-gay attitude.


Religion-based bigotry is not synonymous with bigotry. It is a uniquely vile form of bigotry as the prejudice, hostility and discrimination behind the words are given a moral stamp of approval.


Faith in America’s core message is that religious-based condemnation and rejection of LGBT people cause great harm to LGBT individuals and our society."


Now tell me God's Word is why you justify hatred towards gay people.

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And the Christian bible does not condemn homosexuality, so again you can't hide behind your God's Word strawman argument. It's just your opinion that being gay is a sin.


The Bible Does NOT Condemn Homosexuality ? The NALT Christians Project


John Shore: The Best Case for the Bible Not Condemning Homosexuality



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My daughter is not a sin and she has a gf. My little girl is the sweetest, most wonderful being on the planet. This is why Christians are hated....they take a negative and invasive stance in the things that for some of us are beautiful about the world. Loving anyone is a gift. She gave hers to someone worthy of her love and that someone isn't a dude, so what? Since she isn't religious either, but very accepting of all people and religions, she feels hurt that she is seen as an abnormality. Makes a father very angry, but still I do not hate. I just wonder why loving someone of the same gender is more egregious than domestic violence or child abuse which aren't considered sins.

She was born this way and she is perfect,


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And the Christian bible does not condemn homosexuality, so again you can't hide behind your God's Word strawman argument. It's just your opinion that being gay is a sin.


The Bible Does NOT Condemn Homosexuality ? The NALT Christians Project


John Shore: The Best Case for the Bible Not Condemning Homosexuality




Leviticus 18:22 (King James) warns against laying with mankind /womankind. Other translations spell out: homosexuality.


Other passages as well.

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Don`t come to my workplace then. I suspect you would be a tad uncomfortable.





People are not born to be homosexual.
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Leviticus 18:22 (King James) warns against laying with mankind /womankind. Other translations spell out: homosexuality.


Other passages as well.


One of the links I provided in my previous post refutes that passage you just pulled out. But it's clear you didn't bother to read any of those links.


To repeat myself: nowhere in the bible does it oppose homosexuality. All I see you doing is twisting a bible passage to justify your hatred of gay people. Here's another article that discusses why the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality. I urge you to read it. It's written by an ordained priest too. My Take: What the Bible really says about homosexuality ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs


Gay people are wonderful people. They are not the scourge of society. Not by a long shot. Its a shame that you, who call yourself a Christian, have so much hate for gay people. Why is that?


It's also sad that anti-gay Christians like yourself are taking their hate abroad to impose anti-gay sentiment in other countries: How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad - latimes.com


And you wonder why people like myself become Atheist? Why would I want to be part of a religion like Christianity that spreads more hate and ignorance than actual acceptance and compassion and love?

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No. I don't bother to read your links - or your (for-the-sake-of-argument) listing of animals. Bugs next?

Edited by UpwardForward
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No. I don't bother to read your links - or your (for-the-sake-of-argument) listing of animals. Bugs next?


Someday, someone close to you will reveal they are gay. What will you do? Condemn them? Estrange yourself from them? How can you have so much hate for someone who calls themselves a Christian?

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Or even worse, make a pass! Do you think that he is....No, its just when someone abhors something so much, it can speak volumes......;)


My dad was pretty devout but the did not have this attitude towards anyone.



Someday, someone close to you will reveal they are gay. What will you do? Condemn them? Estrange yourself from them? How can you have so much hate for someone who calls themselves a Christian?
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One of the links I provided in my previous post refutes that passage you just pulled out. But it's clear you didn't bother to read any of those links.


To repeat myself: nowhere in the bible does it oppose homosexuality. All I see you doing is twisting a bible passage to justify your hatred of gay people. Here's another article that discusses why the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality. I urge you to read it. It's written by an ordained priest too. My Take: What the Bible really says about homosexuality ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs


Gay people are wonderful people. They are not the scourge of society. Not by a long shot. Its a shame that you, who call yourself a Christian, have so much hate for gay people. Why is that?


It's also sad that anti-gay Christians like yourself are taking their hate abroad to impose anti-gay sentiment in other countries: How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad - latimes.com


And you wonder why people like myself become Atheist? Why would I want to be part of a religion like Christianity that spreads more hate and ignorance than actual acceptance and compassion and love?


No. You and yours on here are the ones who have been twisting. Posting prev links on here w titles of bashing Christians and/or Mocking God. Written by your false gods and atheist sources.

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Leviticus 18:22 (King James) warns against laying with mankind /womankind. Other translations spell out: homosexuality.


Other passages as well.


And Leviticus 19:19 (King James) warns against mixing linen and wool in a garment.


Why is so much else in Leviticus dismissed as old covenant, but not the passages about homosexuality?

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Old testament bans all types of homosexuality. God also told the man and woman to marry, and be fruitful and multiply. Matthew 19:4. He that made them in the beginning made them male and female. etc etc

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Old testament bans all types of homosexuality. God also told the man and woman to marry, and be fruitful and multiply. Matthew 19:4. He that made them in the beginning made them male and female. etc etc


Every time I see any of your posts I just picture a scared ostrich.

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Every time I see any of your posts I just picture a scared ostrich.


Mostly I consider my place is to warn.

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Mostly I consider my place is to warn.


It actually just makes you look like a condescending A hole rather than a good Samaritan. Especially when you shut your ears, close your eyes, and open your mouth.



I bet you are a really great person other than this aspect too .



You are so closed minded that you don't even read stuff before you get on your high horse and preach about how people that disagree with you are wrong.

Edited by Keenly
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