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Question for women who've been in abusive relationships


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I am reading some of the chapters from this book on Amazon just now. I have to agree - very good book!

It also explains the abusers thoughts and how he sees the great new relationship panning out but also explains what is going on in his head which is something I haven't yet found explained so well in anything else I have read. Thanks for mentioning it tumera. :)


I also had a bit of a shock this morning and remembered something else which used to happen and it all fits in and makes it all so much more obvious to me.

I've also been remembering our last weekend together a week before I ended it. There were a lot of things that happened that weekend and things leading up to it also. I had a feeling of fear for my safety that weekend during a massive argument. So much so that I ran down the hall and locked myself in the downstairs toilet.

Clearly I still have some processing to do. I'm feeling a bit numb just now. :(


I'm sorry it's still affecting you like this. I am sure one can't go through an experience like that without having lots of processing to do to understand it. I've always had a tendency to back out of relationships at the slightest sign of incompatibility, bit too trigger-happy that way, so I've been lucky so far. As soon as a guy starts asking where I've been and saying things that suggest he's been watching me or checking up in any way, I back off. I am on my own so this isn't always the best strategy and I've probably ended too many potentially good relationships like this.

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