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Questioning this...

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So I am enjoying a relationship with someone I work with. It is primarily talking, and like having someone to support me, etc. He is really great, but lacks a few things. I decided to give it a chance anyway.



What I am learning is that dating is a new thing for him, he had very few relationships go beyond a date or two, and our relationship is much different because we have known each other through work for years so we are transitioning from a friendship to something more.



He is very firmly grounded in the community we work in, and I try to stay as far away from it as possible outside of work. I don't shop there, or dine there, or have many friendships that exist outside of work with my coworkers. It actually is none, minus this.



I like him, but I don't know if I am physically attracted to him in the way I have been with other men I have dated. I think we are far away from that point, but it does cross my mind as an issue and one I'm not sure I want to discuss with him yet.



Right now, our main issue is moving into dating. Currently we have spending time together at my place, and I think our relationship is starting to be noticed at work. Until we talked about it, I hadn't thought about it because we are still figuring this out too, but hearing that upset me a lot. I don't think I will ever want to live in the community he does, or spend time with him in that community. I worry about the scrunity of everyone as we begin dating, and sometimes I feel like he is more confident this relationship will last than I am. He does not want to give it time and see if things change once the relationship gets further involved, and he starts to matter more, he wants that decision made now ... although when I tell him I don't think I want it, he gives in to it thinking more time will change my mind. I don't want to change my mind on it, and am unwilling to change who I am or compromise on this instance.



Does this mean our relationship should end now?

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