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Girls, would you do this with a male best friend?

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I am trying to figure out whether a good female friend of mine is interested in more than a platonic friendship. I should mention first that she is a shy girl, in a LDR but its not going well at all. I asked her how she felt for me a few weeks ago, she said we were friends but and she couldn't assure anything (ie: about a relationship between us) Here are the signs she/we display:



-We always talk on our own, in a bar/cafe/cinema

-We do not often have lengthy conversations, rather small talk, teasing and random things. Can sometimes turn into serious topics.

-I often make jokes (sometimes bad ones though), she always laughs or gives me the 'playful shameful' look.

-When we're not talking it turns into silence, where we both stare at each other, look away, smile, and tease the other into initiating conversations.


On the physical side:


-Always stays close to me

-Playfully hits me from time to time

-Grabs forearm when teasing me

-Hugs when possible ( and lays her head on my shoulder when we do)

-Will sometimes grab my hand and squeeze it quickly ( if, for instance, I pass my arm around her shoulders, or if we part ways and have a goodbye hug)

-When she playfully wants me to do something ( ie: grab something) she playfully and slowly grabs my hands and puts them on the item.

-She has passed her arms slowly ( and romantically I could say) once around my neck to bring my head foward to whisper something in my ears.

-Sometimes kiss on the cheeks


I am trying to reconcile all of this with the fact that she said she didn't have enough feelings for me to go 'beyond' about a month ago.

Please let me know what you think ! Cheers !

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Charlie Harper

Disappear for a week.... then see her if she is kind of mad/missing you...grab her kiss her like no tomorrow, and you will have your answer....

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Next time you are alone, and the mood feels right, kiss her.


You'll get your answer.

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Given that she has already told you where she stands with regard to her feelings for you, she now feels 'safe' enough to act affectionately with you, knowing that you completely know and understand where she stands, and that you will make no emotional demands on her.

You fill a gap - her LDR is away, so she likes the male attention, but without the need to commit to you.


Draw away.

tell her your feelings for her are deepening, but while she is still with someone else, you cannot consider yourself to be an 'emotional connection' substitute.

if she wants you to get closer, she will have to end it with the other guy first.

Otherwise, consider yourself a leaning post.

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Thank you all for your answers. However, I do not need advice on how to go out with her ; I am not interested in that at the present time. I just want to know if she sees me just as a friend or if she has feelings for me.


Cheers !

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..... I just want to know if she sees me just as a friend or if she has feelings for me.


In a nutshell:


She's with someone, she doesn't want to go out with you.

She feels secure enough with you to be overly friendly, knowing, given her clear message to you, that you won't take it 'the wrong way'.


She eventually breaks up with BF and has you on the back-burner.


She may be interested, she may not be.

Right now, put it out of your mind.

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I'm not a girl, but this is easy to read. She sees you as a friend, but she is enjoying the intimacies with you to fill the void of physicality and admiration while her bf is gone. You are his stand in, so no, she doesn't like you as more, you are a substitute. Seems like you wanted it spelled out for you.

Good luck,


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