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is this flirting?

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I've met a man at work. He's my boss but I'm going to be here just for a few weeks so that wouldn't be a problem to have a relationship.


The problem is that I think he's flirting but I'm not sure and don't know how to proceed.


A few days after I arrived he told me that he could teach me how to do something that I hadn't learn by then if I stayed with him in the afternoon (no one works then there). Another partner said he wanted to learn too. At the beginning my boss agreed but 5 minutes later he said that it was still to soon for him and so we stayed in the office alone, ate there and then he just taught me to do that and left.


A few days later the other partner was ill so we had to work alone the whole day. We always finish work a bit later than we should but that day he said that he was happy because we were having more benefits and wanted to celebrate it. We finished earlier, he invited me to eat and we finished at 7p.m.


Another day he asked me: What are you going to eat today?

I answered that I didn't know and he offerd to take me to a place where you can buy ready cooked food. Once we were there he insisted in paying.


Yesterday early in the morning he sat in front of me to ask me about some reports. I was looking at the papers while I spoke but I like watching at people's faces, so I looked up and obviously he was looking at me. The thing is that I think he was smiling but trying to hide it.


I'm leaving next Friday and I'd like to know you're opinion: is he flirting or maybe he's just kind and I'm imagining it cos that's what I'd like?


Sorry for the long speech

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He is flirting with you. Keep in mind he is flirting with you until he proves otherwise. Sounds creepy the way he was looking at you

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No, it wasn't creepy, it was more like: oops, she caught me!

I don't know, maybe like he was smiling but he didn't want me to know, like he was having fun or enjoying listening to me.

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That would be great. But what should I do? He has done several things to show his interest, maybe I should make a move now, but I'm very very shy and I've never been in this situation before.

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you have to be friendly to him and get to know him, ask him questions and do things together when possible. My caution is be careful and have low expectations for now

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Could be flirting. But I'll point out that my boss does similar things with me and we're both heterosexual males. So it could be anyones guess.


Is he married? Or are you in a relationship (given the section of this post)?


If the answer is "no" to both of those and he doesn't make a move before you're gone, maybe on your last day just tell him if he's interested you'd gladly keep in contact with him. He'll get the hint and if he's interested will give you a go.

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It could be flirtatious but maybe he just doesn't like eating alone.



If that's all there is I would not assume a romantic interest. Take things at face value unless he says otherwise or touches you.

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Crederer, the answer is no to both questions, I'm sure that he's not married and I'm not completely sure but I don't think he has a girlfriend. Besides he said he lives alone.

I'll try to do that tomorrow (my last day), but maybe if he were really interested he would've done something already.


But there's something else, he's my boss but he has a superiors too and he has to write a report for them about me, that's why I don't dare being so honest about my feelings and maybe the same happens to him.

Once I leave we could be together but right now it wouldn't probably be appropiated.


Or as d0nnivain says, maybe he just dosn't like eating alone...

Och, love is soooo complicated :(

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