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What response would you prefer from someone who isn't interested online?

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Michelle ma Belle

It's funny because I think I personally prefer (albeit reluctantly) silence if I'm the one reaching out to someone and they don't think we're a good fit BUT tend to respond to men who reach out to me that I don't think are a good match - I just think it's more polite to do so. I know it's a bit strange to be of two minds about it but I can't help it.


I think on some level we all know that silence speaks volumes but there is still that tiny voice in our heads that wants some kind of response so we can stop wondering... :)


Either way, rejection be it silent or otherwise sucks.

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It's just really hard to reject someone online. I just politely told someone that I don't think we're a match. And then he said "I hope it's not because you're superficial". I said "Why? Do I come across that way?" to which he says "well you will be unless you meet up with me tomorrow"...Err don't think so haha

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