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Friend or foe all along?


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I know, I know... It seems my life is a soap opera at the moment. :confused:


Okay, about 3 years ago I was seeing a guy and it didn't work out - I was a bit of a douchebag and had a shoulder to cry on/rebound guy who I was never physically attracted to but he was alright to have around casually. Long story short, we didn't last long because he cheated on me with my then best friend.


Through this 'relationship', I made friends with this girl - let's say her name is 'Sib'. Now I was wary of remaining friends with Sib because she was close to my ex and is now close to his new bird. However, she would still talk to me, say hi around college, on FB etc and I thought it was harmless. She then would message me at stupid times to tell me about her latest train wreck of a 'crush' and I would listen and give her advice but wouldn't do the same back because of who she was friends with.


Because we've not hung out since August, she was asking to meet up so I gave her times when I'm free. I thought things were okay until today when I saw her out with my ex and her ex (after slating him a jillion times and telling me what a controlling lying sack of s**t he is) and she completely ignored me, and she did see me cause they sat at the table next but one from me and my friend. I thought it was a bit weird and was telling my boyfriend when I got home - I just said meh, whatever. Thought nothing of it.


My fella decided to ask why they all ignored me and her ex piped up saying 'she ignored us, Sib said hi 3 times and she just gave us a stare'... I'm not one to be rude if I'm spoken to, she never came near me or said anything. I assumed since she was with people who didn't really get on with me that she wouldn't make things awkward. I got quite mad because of the **** they were saying (and both of them are KNOWN for messaging people when they've apparently been done wrong to)... No message from any of them.


Since that, she's blocked me from everything and doesn't want to talk (apart from a group snap chat :s) I was just wondering if she was actually ever a mate or just s**t stirring between exes and friends?


I probably already know the answer but I needed to vent :/.

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She's chosen her side, didn't want to be seen being friendly to you. That's weak. Not a real friend. Just let it go. No more drama. Take the high road and move on.

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Thanks! You're right, I've even blocked her number so she can't get in touch when the next 'love of her life' ****s on her parade, so much for a 'good friend'. :)

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Eternal Sunshine

When people are friends with others from "opposing sides", they often publically show you whose side they are really on. Even if they are polite in private, the choice is clear.

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Thank you both for the advice! I've had a bit of a 'friend clear out' this past year... Realising just how many back stabbing users I've let into my inner circle. It's a shame cause I'm a good friend to have, and they've lost out on that. I have a few good people around me for support, everyone else from now on is being kept at a distance for the time being. Thanks again guys :).

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