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I wonder... why?

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So here's just a blurb I wanted to get out of my system.... I randomly fell upon this after several years and still feel bad.


So I met a guy several years ago I was 18 and he was 26-27, one way or another we ended up hanging out several times. Of all the times we hung out , it was usually 3-4 girls and 1 guy . I found he had been making passes at my friend but wouldn't ADMIT it , he would say he was joking. He would make serious passess at me. Maybe he knew I was already a nutjob and would break far too easily. And so I broke. I caved and took his advances as ACTUAL advances... you know ... Where someone LIKES YOU AND WANTS TO DATE YOU.


So months pass and he's still making passess... I fell for it and my friends thought we were "something" but we weren't . He would call me for convenience. I would try to get a hold of him on my OWN time and he's never available. He calls me early morning, afternooon, night.. pretty much whenever he wanted. I was always free to hangout. I usually brought my other friend along (another girl - he was not making passes to her). So it advanced where we may have kissed a few times, I would stay out at night with him (NOTHING HAPPENED... I was a very moral girl , although my choices were severly poor), he would ask for B*job , I would decline. So this was months... things where kind of going REALLY down the drain .. I didn't like it but it was like an addiction.. to call and have someone there.. sometimes.. but then something happened one day.


We (3 of us ) were out and another guy came(26) along to hangout. I had no interest in the guy , I only wanted to see who it was. So anyways that day ended. He could care less about me , i didnt care for his presence... fast forward a month or 2 ahead. I randomly found a number on my phone and called it. Turns out it was that same guy that I didnt care about. I asked him if he wanted to hangout because he knew the other girl who was with me. He came and we hung out and then WE started to make out.. ( i know horrible choices I tell you ) anyways the next day this new guy is calling me to hangout, the next day aswell, goes on for the entire week. I continued to see him 4 times a week for about 3 months. I was done school early in april so up until sept I really had nothing to do. Which meant he filled that time period. I would hang out with both the guys and my other friend and we would just do normal things. But in the background I pulled away from the first guy (26-27 year old) I barely called him, I didnt' text, etc.


One day in the night at 12 I was out with the new guy and he blabs about the other guy getting married. By then I think I either knew or just found out a month before. I said thats fine, i dont really care.. (really he was a horndog, i swear he had girls lined up for every day , he would use and throw away, I knew that but I still associated with him... its horrible) So I was happy he was getting married. even though it was sudden for me . Then i distance myself away from the first guy more , i changed my number out of the blue and never contacted him again, i knew he would wonder but I didnt think he would freak out? Well he did, i guess he tried for a few days and then finally broke and called the new guy and asked for my number... although he had no reason to give it to him , he did!

Finally the climax part of my guilt! As months pass and the wedding comes closer... another night the new guy blabs oh how the other guy is getting married... to a girl .. we yes ofcourse its a girl but.. they were engaged. I was shocked... for how long you ask? Well I'm assuming about 3 years or so. He had a ring that he always took off and said his parents gave it to him. So the entire time since he met me he was engaged. He was freaking engaged.. when we hung out and when we stay out all night... well its horrible. I know I am responsible. I feel so bad for that girl that when they asked if we were goingt o the wedding i declined. I never want to see her in my life. I never want to see her face... because i know so much about this guy that it would really drive her over the wall.. not because of my part but because of all the girls, fraud, bs and crap he does that i dont think she knows about.


The new guy , well we hit it off the wrong way but we've somehow made it last , we started dating 4 years ago and we're still together. He's met my family and I've met his. We plan on a future together and although the other guy is barely in MY LIFE , ( haven't heard about him for 2-3 years now) but can easily put himself into my bfs life easily!!! He knows we're togethr and im assuming hes held off on calling him but the wife invites him to events like birthdays and etc... I tell him dont go but he thinks its rude? I cant even fanthom the thought of seeing them together.. I might literally strt running away.

I know he's a pig , he deserves hell, I nearly forgot about this episode until today where i was browsing facebook and saw his wedding photos coincidently on a group album. gahh....



anyways sorry for the long read, I dont really need advise but say whatever is on your mind. BTW I forgot to say he lied like usual,.. he wasn't 26-27 he was around 29-31 when I met him. I couldnt tell because he had a fake id and everything . What to do when men lie so easily and your dumb enough to beleieve it . :(

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