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What does it mean when a guy says "I love you" too much?


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My friend he'll say "I love you" to me a lot. He makes a point of it almost everytime I see him or talk to him. I'm just curious if it means he's insecure or something along those lines. Or if the guy is really trying to subconsciously tell you something. Tell me what you think? Thank you!

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Most people think it's a good thing. Why do you think it's bad?


I don't think it's bad at all! I'm just curious. I wanted to see what other people think about a guy that says I love you TOO MUCH! I just don't know if it means something else. That's all.

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I know what you mean, but without knowing the guy I couldn't tell you. Does he expect you to say it back and get upset if you don't? Does he just say it to everyone? I have a friend who's more affectionate than I'm usually comfortable with, texts me everyday, says I love you a lot, and he's in a long-term monogamous relationship, he's just suuuuper affectionate with his words. I get the vibe that he's a tad insecure, but I guess I'd rather have that than a friend who is angry and mean all the time lol. It can be annoying and feel invasive but maybe he's sensitive?

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I don't think it's bad at all! I'm just curious. I wanted to see what other people think about a guy that says I love you TOO MUCH! I just don't know if it means something else. That's all.


I really don't understand your Q. Are you asking does it mean the opposite -- that your BF hates you or is lying -- because he says I love you too much in your opinion? I would like to think not. Generally when people say they love you they mean it. It's not usually a mechanism to cover insecurity or bad behavior but I'm sure it could be.


In a vacuum, It's a wonderful enviable thing that you have found a verbally expressive male. There aren't many out there. Is that what is giving you pause -- that you never met one before?


The fact that you are questioning his frequent declarations makes me wonder about your level of cynicism. The Q makes me think you are awfully jaded. What is making you question his motives rather than just accepting that you are lucky & he loves you?


Is there something else going on here?

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