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What happened today.......help!

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(You guys all gave me great advice, but Im still in the relationship. Dont be mad)


Today we had lunch and then were together and he was acting weird.

He told me he will be busy all next week. Finally he said he has a date with a woman that he has known since she was 7. She is 50 now with 3 schoolage kids and they met in the supermarket 6mos ago. She has been having marital problems since she started seeing him. I know she always makes excuses not to see him and he gets mad. He has seen her 3-4 times in 6 mos.

I think they go to eat lunch.


He said if she wants him, he will sleep with her.


He has been cheating on me for many years and he only now, because of this woman asked for us to see other people.


He told be its nothing and to let it go, because I will make it worse if I make a big deal out of it. He told me to let it run its course. Thats great, but im hurt and he is propelling it.


He said he wont replace me with her. He is hinting that he will cut down my sex.


He said the relationships are different.


He said he has to do this for himself.


What tod do now?



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show him the door, honey, and be sure to tell him not to let it hit him on the *ss on his way out! :p


seriously, though, he's showing a great lack of respect for you and y'alls relationship. Do you honestly want to invest anymore time with an inconsiderate and rude jackass like that when there's a probability that you could be in a real relationship with a real man, and not someone as self-centered as him? Believe me, no one deserves to be treated the way he's treating you, no matter how informal or laid back a relationship is ...

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Marge, correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you already his OW? I had the impression he is married and seeing you on the side, correct? So he wants to cheat on the woman he is cheating on his wife with? Are you even sure you are on the top of the OW ladder with this guy? He might be cheating on the woman that he is cheating on the woman that he is cheating on his wife with you. Read between the lines.



Run far away as fast as you can!!!!!!!


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Grinning Maniac

I'm mad. Sorry.


Marge... are you taking the piss or what? You have to realize how silly this sounds.


He's "cheating on you"? What the hell? How is that even possible? YOU'RE THE OW. Your relationship ****IS**** cheating! How can someone who isn't actually "yours" to begin with, "cheat" on you?! Am I missing something here? Help me out Marge. Is there some grand fact that I'm just overlooking?


- He's married.

- He's cheating on his wife and she doesn't know about it(assuming).

- He's seeing you and you know he's married.

- He's seeing other people as well, and you now know that.


Who exactly is he cheating on? You know more than his *wife*. How in the hell is he cheating on YOU? You're not even his woman, technically speaking. Also, let's factor in the fact that the person he's "cheating" on you with is ANOTHER married person. Hooray. This guy is clearly a wonderful catch and a decent, honest man. Holy sh*t.


Does this guy's jizz contain IQ-lowering agents? First you ask if blowjobs are cheating...then you complain that this guy, who you aren't even in a legitimate relationship with in the first place, is "cheating on you" by seeing another woman BESIDES you. Well boohoo. That comes with the ride, wouldn't you think? Are you yanking our chains? I can't believe you're actually seeing this as a rational situation.




Marge...please, please, please cut the sh*t, before you become a used-up 70-year old hag, wondering where the hell your life went. Bottom line, he can't be cheating on you if you're not his woman. Got it? If all this is so damned "painful" to you, just sack the prick already. What will endlessly posting these crazy questions here do? All the threads in the world aren't going to make him any less of a douchebag, will they?


*hits head against a wall 50 times and starts weeping uncontrollably, muttering about human beings not making sense*

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*hits head against a wall 50 times and starts weeping uncontrollably, muttering about human beings not making sense*


Darling, don't do that! You're quite right, large quantities of humans aren't logical at all but that's because we humans aren't at all controlled by our brains. In the end, emotions win out and this is a prime example. Marge is 'in love' with this total jerk. Which means that logic hasn't a prayer. Maybe someday something will finally get through, but so far, not thing one has.


Marge. If he will lie to his wife about you, it is beyond insanity to expect him to be faithful to you. Do you get that? Until you do understand that very critical point, you are doomed to this constant misery. Girl, you badly need to wise up. So do so.

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Grinning Maniac

This chick is far beyond "wising up". I just read that other thread of hers. Holy crap.


This guy has SAID to her that he wants NOTHING MORE THAN SEX out of her. He's said it point-blank. He doesn't see this as a relationship. He sees this as doing you. He doesn't want to see you more than one day a week. He's said this too.


BUT YOU DON'T BELIEVE HIM? Why in the hell not? He's *telling* you what the deal is and you don't believe him or want to change his mind! It's not going to work! I'm sure you're just say this post was "funny" but you're so deluded the only joke is on you. The only person going to lose this situation is ***you***. I'm sure he's glad he has such a "perfect dick" since he can use it to fool slow chicks like you. Jesus get a GRIP, woman.

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Marge, if I had a way to send you some self-esteem and self-worth I sure would. I just hate to see you letting yourself be used like this, and then trying to fool yourself into thinking you have a relationship with this man.


You know you are being used, right?


I'm not mad, your situation just makes me incredibly sad. It's so sad to think there is someone who values herself so little.

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break up with him why u want to goo ut with a cheater and a a liar

go find better guys in church ans school and work


its better to be dating with guys that are serious in a realtionship not just fooling arround with women


break up with him and find a better guy who will love you for who you are



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Here's another prime example of a woman that is so afriad of not being with someone she rather be with this guy who is a fucl<ed up mess. Marge you need to break up with this guy. And no matter how many times we tell you that you are probably fucl<in him right now. So, why get on here and complain when you really don't listen to any of our advice... :sick:

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the worst thing is that this jerk is completely taking advantage of this woman´s blindness and stupidity. He is taking the piss!!!


I am not getting this, really. I came across girls who let their boyfriend completely f****ed them over but this is really too much.


Marge, havent you actually thought about something else? Dont you think that maybe your lack of self-esteem is not only what allowes him treat you like a crap, but something what most likely makes him losing respect to you? I am sorry to say but if you allow people to treat you like a crap, they gonna treat you like a crap.


I would lose respect for my boyfriend as well if he became a martyr!

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Grinning Maniac

Does anyone want to bet that this will be *another* LS case where the OP doesn't listen to any of us and keeps tumbling along in the "Dryer of Stupidity"? :sick:

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