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Only sees her once a month

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I have a friend. She said she would be interested to see what you guys say.


She has a bf who she met about a month ago.


He only sees her once a month; he lives about 40 mins away. He has a car and he drives near her house every day on the way two and from work.


He starts work at 3 am and gets up at 2 am. Needs to be in bed by 7 ish.


Says he wants HER to get a car and drive to see HIM asap. She has been in the area 2 months and has no found a job but is actively looking.




Among other things he has done that were "off".



He works with her step dad, who she lives with. He is apparently a nice guy in general.




...I have told her that although he may be a nice guy, he just doesn't feel it enough for her; if a guy meets a girl he REALLY is into, he tends to do what it takes just to be with her (more than once a month).




She feels that if she reads more people telling her the same thing I am telling her, she will have an easier time leaving him.





Please reply as swiftly as possible, as she is here now and wants to see :)




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Things that sound odd to me...


She only met him a month ago and she only gets to see him once a month - well how on earth can they be bf and gf then? They have met just once or twice


If she is not working then she cannot really afford the expense of a car and he should not pressure her to get one, especially so early on


If he is driving near her house every day then why on earth can he not come and see her. It would be little financial cost to him to do this but it would be a big cost to her to buy a car and do that additional travelling


Sounds to me like he just wants her to come to his place so he can have sex with her. If he went to her house then that would not be an option with her stepdad/his boss there.


Drop him. He is only interested in himself.

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How have they been together for a month but he only comes once a month? That means they have met once? :confused:


That aside, IMO he isn't good relationship material. My guy lives a 1.5 hour drive away (we used to live together, but he had to move for work), and drives to see me every weekend, despite working 60-70 hour weeks.


Add me to the chorus of people telling her to cut her losses.

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