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Should I trust her

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I started dating a woman 4 months ago and yesterday I happened to be in the dressing room at a store and I noticed she received a message on her phone and I just could not resist (I never check her phone and things it was just hard to resist. It was a message from a guy on Facebook it and I was not very happy with what I found out. She has been messaging back and forth with this guy on Facebook and from the conversations I read you can see they get along. I scrolled up some more and saw that he sends her pictures of himself, some showing more than he should. Well my woman replies and gives him compliments and then she tells him she could never be with him because he's a player…and he also invites her to his place and they talk on the phone from what she tells me. Well I approached her about it and she told me its the guy she had told me about that was sending her messages and the one that said that he looks better than me. Which is true she did tell me that but when she told me that I told her to stop messaging him or block him. Well from my point of view I think she likes talking him and was enjoying the attention. I feel like I can't trust her, like she's going to be open to talk to other men and do the same thing and then up cheating or something. should I just break up with her I don't know what do you recommend?

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Well, she was open with you about it and then you told her to stop. Did she promise you that she will stop in her words?

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this sounds real doozy.


She's only been dating you 4 months and she's encouraging a guy to send her pictures of his 'bits' etc. and talks to him on the 'phone?


She's an attention seeker and a tease who can't be trusted. You deserve better than this.


Dump her and find a girl who wants to concentrate on you and your 'bits'.

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So....you're trying to control who she speaks to after 4 months together?


Harmless flirty banter is nothing to worry about. If she was open with you that she communicated with this guy, and wasn't trying to hide it - what's the problem?


From what I've read it looks like you have an issue with jealousy. If it's just the guy sending the pics and not your girl - why is that a problem? He might just be a show off. As long as she isn't also playing along with sending inappropriate pics of herself why can't she continue to have banter with this guy?

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My prediction is that 50% she is going to do something with him. Do not trust her competely about it she likes the attention he is giving her. and one of these days she may end up telling you that he kissed her or did something.

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She doesn't want to date him because he's a player translates into "stop being a player and I will date you", imo.


I'd be done with it if I were you.

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