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Young single women, who want to date, don't exist

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I think he's telling you to shoot for the moon because you're f***ed either way.


LOL no that's not what I'm saying.


I guess it all really depends on how you define "high quality". For example, the poster that I was mentioning in my previous post is probably attractive and stated that she has a good career. Yet, she still chases very good looking guys, regardless of their character, suggesting she has low self-esteem. Despite her looks (if she is good looking) and career, I would still classify her as low quality.


Contrast this to Phoe, for example, a well known poster here. If she is truly the person that she seems to be (attractive, caring, open-minded), I would classify her as high quality.


If he met both of these posters IRL (without them knowing him from this site), he'd have a way better chance with Phoe (high quality) than the other poster (low quality).


Phoe, the high quality woman, would consider the whole person, whereas the low quality woman would consider only qualities that would provide her with validation from others (and, thus, raise her self-esteem), first and foremost being looks.


So, in conclusion, SD would have a better shot at high quality women than low quality women.

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LOL no that's not what I'm saying.


I guess it all really depends on how you define "high quality". For example, the poster that I was mentioning in my previous post is probably attractive and stated that she has a good career. Yet, she still chases very good looking guys, regardless of their character, suggesting she has low self-esteem. Despite her looks (if she is good looking) and career, I would still classify her as low quality.


Contrast this to Phoe, for example, a well known poster here. If she is truly the person that she seems to be (attractive, caring, open-minded), I would classify her as high quality.


If he met both of these posters IRL (without them knowing him from this site), he'd have a way better chance with Phoe (high quality) than the other poster (low quality).


Phoe, the high quality woman, would consider the whole person, whereas the low quality woman would consider only qualities that would provide her with validation from others (and, thus, raise her self-esteem), first and foremost being looks.


So, in conclusion, SD would have a better shot at high quality women than low quality women.


I think his best chance is with someoned as clingy and apathetic as him.


Like attracts like.

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Interesting stuff topaMAXX.


That's most likely how I got my ex. Who is most definitely a high quality woman.


She was able to look past my looks, height and age.

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Interesting stuff topaMAXX.


That's most likely how I got my ex. Who is most definitely a high quality woman.


She was able to look past my looks, height and age.


It's not your looks, height, or age that is the problem.


I dated a man 12 years older than me, with a receding hairline, who was shorter than me. Why did I date him? Because he was witty, passionate, interesting, driven, self-sufficient, etc, etc.

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I think his best chance is with someoned as clingy and apathetic as him.


Like attracts like.

You don't have a freaking clue if I'm clingy or not.


Why do you even bother posting in this thread if all you're going to do is attack me? Is this what you get off on?

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It's not your looks, height, or age that is the problem.


I dated a man 12 years older than me, with a receding hairline, who was shorter than me. Why did I date him? Because he was witty, passionate, interesting, driven, self-sufficient, etc, etc.


I'm all of those things, except I have hair.


Want to date?


Or is hair a dealbreaker for you?

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You don't have a freaking clue if I'm clingy or not.


Why do you even bother posting in this thread if all you're going to do is attack me? Is this what you get off on?


No, I do have an idea, because of what you have said. You've stated repeatedly that you only want a girlfriend to fulfill your emotional needs, and none of hers. You've stated that you'd rather try and break up relationships to get women, because of your "need" to be in a relationship.


You're the textbook definition of clingy. If you weren't, you'd realise your priorities, and the approach that you're taking is completely backwards.


You're basically trying to get a girl to bend to your emotional will, to fulfill your own inadequacy. How is anyone supposed to "advise" you on how to do that? And why do you think you're entitled to that?

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You don't have a freaking clue if I'm clingy or not.


Well, in that case, I REALLY hope you don't act like the person you are on this forum IRL because, if you do, like others here is thinking, you are literally doomed.


For someone to get as much advice as you did and basically throw it aside because you don't want to hear it says a lot about you and your impeding future, which doesn't even look so great, by the way.


I would love to see you prove me wrong but, if I were a betting man, I would bet that you won't get another relationship for at least another year.

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I'm all of those things, except I have hair.


Want to date?


Or is hair a dealbreaker for you?


No. Men with broad-sweeping generalisations on how many "issues" and how un-awesome we women over 30 are is a dealbreaker, though.

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No, I do have an idea, because of what you have said. You've stated repeatedly that you only want a girlfriend to fulfill your emotional needs, and none of hers.

Point out where I said that.

You're basically trying to get a girl to bend to your emotional will, to fulfill your own inadequacy.

How do you even come up with this stuff?


Seriously pickflicker, I think it's time you put me on ignore and stop posting in threads I make.

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No. Men with broad-sweeping generalisations on how many "issues" and how un-awesome we women over 30 are is a dealbreaker, though.


Damn, you're so picky!



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Point out where I said that.


How do you even come up with this stuff?


Seriously pickflicker, I think it's time you put me on ignore and stop posting in threads I make.


Somedude, I'm coming up with it from your own posts. Everyone else can see it, on black and white, for all to see.

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Point out where I said that.


She doesn't need to.


You don't care about the needs of the women you want. If a woman you want wants a man who has a decent job, she would reject you on that alone. If quite a few women would have told you the same thing, you would have tried to get with them anyway despite you can't even meet their basic requirements and your chance of failure is basically a lock.


You have no respect for the women you want. You just want a girlfriend, damn what she wants. If you did, you would have worked on yourself so you can better your chances at getting the women you want but you don't care for that enough to make that your priority.


To you, it is "Either I get a girlfriend or bust!" despite you got nothing a woman, even low quality ones, even want. That alone seals your fate.


Until you change your way of thinking, you are doomed. I can't put it in a nicer way than that.

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Point out where I said that.


How do you even come up with this stuff?


Seriously pickflicker, I think it's time you put me on ignore and stop posting in threads I make.


That's so rude for a person who has actually spent time to try to help you without them having anything to gain from it. As I said before, even if you do miraculously find a woman one day, you won't keep her cause you don't have the skills to make a woman happy and communicate in a relationship. If you can't appreciate strangers who spend their time to help you and you just disregard them, then bottom like you don't even deserve a girlfriend. Now go, tell the moderators about my aggressive thread, they'll probably delete it and you can stay here in your pathetic thread talking about ways you can kidnap a woman from her world and make her your girlfriend cause, hey, that's Somedude's need and the world has to obey to him.

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I think to get a girl, for starter you have to like a girl!

I mean of course all girls off limits if you don't make it known from far away that you are really interested.

And then even if she was in a relationship, once she break up, she or you can make a move.


I don't want a guy who just want any decent girl, I want a guy that I know have been crazy about me for the last 2 months!


Do you understand what I am saying?


To stay on the topic?

Do you have a crush right now?

If yes? What r u doing to let her know you r interested.


If no? Why then do you want a girl if you don't like any right now?


Sex? Go get in dating sites for sex only!

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Of course I give a damn about the needs of a woman I'm dating!


The very thought that I don't is insulting.


None of you have a fu*king clue what I'm like. Stop talking out of your asses.

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Somedude, I'm coming up with it from your own posts. Everyone else can see it, on black and white, for all to see.


Pardon the awkward syntax, that'll teach me to talk on the phone and post at the same time.

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Of course I give a damn about the needs of a woman I'm dating!


The very thought that I don't is insulting.


None of you have a fu*king clue what I'm like. Stop talking out of your asses.


There is nothing in your posts that suggests that. I'm afraid what they suggest, is that you MUST have a girlfriend, not because toy have a lot of love to give, but that you need her to motivate you, cajole you, and fulfill an emotional hole in you.

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There is nothing in your posts that suggests that. I'm afraid what they suggest, is that you MUST have a girlfriend, not because toy have a lot of love to give, but that you need her to motivate you, cajole you, and fulfill an emotional hole in you.

How does any of that imply that I don't care about her needs? Just admit that you're grasping at straws.


And no, the reasons you list are not why I feel I need a girlfriend.

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That's so rude for a person who has actually spent time to try to help you without them having anything to gain from it.

Pickflickers trying to help me? :eek:


As I said before, even if you do miraculously find a woman one day, you won't keep her cause you don't have the skills to make a woman happy and communicate in a relationship.

And another person who doesn't know what she's talking about.



If you can't appreciate strangers who spend their time to help you and you just disregard them, then bottom like you don't even deserve a girlfriend. Now go, tell the moderators about my aggressive thread, they'll probably delete it and you can stay here in your pathetic thread talking about ways you can kidnap a woman from her world and make her your girlfriend cause, hey, that's Somedude's need and the world has to obey to him.

I don't even....

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Somedude, you talk of all people in the terms of "what they can do for you." How can your obese female friend introduce you to skinny single women? How can you find unhappy women so you can bust up their relationship and steal the prize? How can the girls in your dance class wear a big sign around their neck that says "Taken, invest no time and effort"?


You don't invest time and effort into bettering yourself. You don't seem to offer anything to anyone else. You appear to be investing very little time in passing your degree. And yes, even in dating, you are investing very little time and effort and appear to be screaming the same mantra over and over again - which is "Can't someone else do it for me?"


See what I mean, when I say you treat a girlfriend, and any potential friends in your life, as a commodity? Do you think that's a good way to keep people in your life?

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Haha how did this thread go on for 22 pages?


Because it's like crack for opinionated people.


At least, it is for me. Goddamn it, I love an underdog.

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How does any of that imply that I don't care about her needs? Just admit that you're grasping at straws.


And no, the reasons you list are not why I feel I need a girlfriend.


Not grasping at straws. I suggest you go back and read this thread from the beginning.

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Of course I give a damn about the needs of a woman I'm dating!


The very thought that I don't is insulting.


None of you have a fu*king clue what I'm like. Stop talking out of your asses.


Funny. What I find insulting is that you come to a forum based on getting answers to relationship problems, people here (far more than I care to count) have given you a crap ton of advice to the point a book can be made, and you just outright ignored all of it.


After all, YOU are the one with the problem, not them.


Even I, who is in a similar situation to you, isn't that naive not to at least listen and consider what they say, especially when some of those people who tries to help you happens to be the VERY KIND OF PEOPLE YOU WANT TO ATTRACT!!!!


You are doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different results every time. That is the definition of insanity.


Yes, you are insane.


In all honestly, I am amazed at the length of care some people of this board is willing to go because I would have stopped caring about this a long while ago if I know the person I am talking to won't listen. Even then, you still ignore them.


I am sure some people has stopped worrying about this. I don't blame them and, frankly, so will I. If you think you can do this your own way, then all I can say is "best of luck to you".


Truth be told, you are going to need every bit of it.

Edited by ltjg45
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Because it's like crack for opinionated people.


At least, it is for me. Goddamn it, I love an underdog.


Who's the underdog, SD or the people trying to convince him of things?

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