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Since my break up after 3 yrs with a narcissistic emotional abuser, isolation and all the nice stuff coming with such a relationship, I'm glad to tell you all I'm recovering and fast..


Yesterday I went to have lunch alone in a crowded restaurant..and that's MAJOR for me. Ex always used to make fun of me for wanting to be able to go o places alone..said it was silly.


Anyway I'm happy, self esteem is building slowly, I actually enjoyed sitting there by myself


How many of you go to places alone from time to time?

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I'm happy for you, that you are out of such situation!


I always go shopping on my own. This is the activity I enjoy the most when Im alone. I never enjoy it with others, unless it's for something mutual, eg house.


I often go to the cinema on my own if I want to see a movie and no one else does.

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I prefer to go shopping, walks, etc. on my own, as that way I can go when I want to, go where I want to, and don't have to go places that I don't want to, to please the other person. I don't really like eating in restaurants, alone or with anyone, as I don't like the waiting. But it was a great step that you made, and it sounds as if you are on your way to recovery.

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down hearted

I love going to places on my own, it really is a burden when you go with someone that wants to go everywhere but where you want to go and who is in a rush all the time, when your on your own you take your time in enjoying little things. I would go to the beach alone, when i did go i noticed there were just as plenty other ladies enjoying alone time and i did enjoy the view, read a book get my tan on and relaxed, i go shopping alone and all these things i enjoy doing, there is nothing wrong with that. We are after all born alone and die alone (i know that is not the nicest thing to say but it is very true) When you learn to enjoy yourself and enjoy your own company, you learn to both love yourself, and enjoy simple things and be happier with yourself and life. After all you get to learn more about yourself and things you enjoy when your alone and not with other people who will distract you from your needs and wants ;) That is not to say not to socialize, but doing things alone is perfectly fine! You also get to meet great new friends along the way who enjoy the free time just like you!


enjoy it girlie!

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