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Yuko Hair Straitening

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[font=times new roman][/font][color=blue][/color]Hello I was wondering if anyone has done the YUKO HAIR Straitining on their hair? Do you like it? any pictures that we can see..also how long did it take, where did u get it done, and how much did you pay.


See ive been thinking about it but i need to first see if anyone has done it and any feedback i can get be great.



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A friend of mine had it done. She had to have it done a second time because one application wasnt strong enough and she didnt even have really curly or coarse hair to begin with. The end result was she hated it because the second application damaged her hair and she still had to use her flat iron.


Just my opinion.

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I went to the Japanese salon in Beverly Hills several years ago, where they had just invented the technique. I had a professional take a sample of my hair to see if it would work well on it - color treated blonde. They determined that it would get damaged and refused to do the treatment - I think back then it cost about $450 at that salon, which would've been worth it and today I've seen places that cost as low as $300.


My current hair stylist's co-worker was working on a client on whom he had performed the treatment on, when I was there last December. He was telling me that he could do it to my hair, I'd be a good candidate since I had long hair I always got blow-dried or ironed straight, trying to convince me it wouldn't get damaged and was safe.


The client he was working on had very short hair. She showed me her before picture - was long and curly and I was wondering if it had gotten damaged and broken off because she said she had the procedure done many times, though it now looked nice and straight - again her hair was SHORT so not as fragile as long hair...


I've heard of so many horror stories of damage, that I will keep in mind the honest opinion from the professional early on. If you have shorter hair that is not very color-treated, I think it would be ok though... A dependable hair professional would take a small hair sample from you and be experienced and honest enough to let you know how safe it would be on your hair...


I think it's too harsh of a treatment and if they apply a light coat, it changes the structure of the hair, lightly damages it and it eventually wears off. The hair stylist said it takes a few times for it to work, but by then your hair is dying from over-process...


Hope that helps! I'm sure there are people out there with a good experience with it though! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been curious about this too.


For those that say it's damaging, is it more intense than a relaxer/perm do you think ( I get a relaxer once every couple of months and haven't had any significant breakage problems as a result)?





A friend of mine had the straightening pprocess done and her hair turned out beautifully --She's native american and has very long--now super straight(used to be wavy)--silky black hair. And it's lasted almost two years now.

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