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Why would someone do this?

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Welcome to the forum, smileforelena, and thank you for your thoughts.


My friend wanted to be kind and understanding towards everyone. I understand that. She didn't take my ex-fiance seriously because it was online stuff. Ah, whatever. I am tired of ranting about this right now. :p


Thanks again for your thoughts. They think I've produced the drama. I hate that it's even called that, or that I am the one who is seen to have caused it by doing the blocking, etc. I did separate myself from both of them for a while, but decided to talk to my friend to see if things could be settled better. I didn't feel better by the end of our conversation though. I don't think she sees my perspective, but she knows she didn't make the best choices. I told her I wished she would have stood up for me with him, and she said she didn't want to message him all of a sudden about me and how every time she has brought me up with him, he has avoided the subject.


You're right, it's not impossible to move on. I'm trying to be good to myself. Thank you. :)

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Just, I, just...




Okay...I just


Ok, I got that out. Okay, I am sure you still care for this man child. Okay, but this man was supposed to marry you and he doesn't just..write a song about another woman (your friend) but he sends it to YOU?


Oh honey...oh where do I even..oh lawdy


Either this guy is a damn sadist or he is extremely emotionally immature and either one of those things is not beneficial in a husband. You may not feel like it now but one day you're going to think about this bonehead and be so grateful you did not marry him.


I mean seriously. The commercial for pampers is coming to mind just thinking of this guy.


Sorry you went through that and there are definitely better men out there.

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Just read bits and parts of your thread.


You sound like an awesome person and I hope your healing and journey goes very well.

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Thank you, Jogger. Welcome to the forum. :)


hoping2heal, your post made me laugh with the way you started it. Yeah, that was something that stunned me. He said not to assume what it was about, and that he sent i to me because I was one of the few (maybe only) person who encouraged him to make music. But he also sent it to my friend, who has never encouraged him to make music. Thanks for the laugh and for waking me up a little bit there.


Thanks for the hugs, Kali. :) I hope you feel hugged and loved.

Edited by sooshi
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I finally deleted my friend on Facebook today. I'd been going back and forth, trying to find some way to accept her (in)actions and not standing up for me. Trying to see her perspective and to justify her behaviour. And I thought, NO. What she did was not acceptable. She didn't stand up to him for me at all. This is not what a good friend does.


So, I removed her. I hope this helps with my healing. It was definitely hindering me to try to consider her feelings, etc. while juggling my own.

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