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Ladies not getting enough, please raise your hands

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but it's mostly because my bf lives and hour away and I only see him on weekends.


I'd take it every day if I would get it!!! :o



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no, what i meant was if frequent sex was a high priority for you then you woould have chosen a boyfriend who lived near you, not one who lived far away.


so frequent sex is really not as impt to you as you thought.


Blimey, I said it's important, but not the be all and end all. If I just wanted sex, there's three of them (all local) waiting for me to dump this guy! My guy is a lad I met on the Internet, and he was just too, too lovely for me to give up on, even if he does live a few miles away! Ladies and Gentlemen (and Alphamale), when you find a nice one, hang on to them!


Thanks, Dyermaker, for backing me up.

:rolleyes::rolleyes: sheesh alphamale

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I don't know how my sex drive stacks up against other people, but I do know that I have a higher sex drive than my husband.

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I find myself in the mood frequently and I don't even HAVE sex. Women love sex just as much as men do. For us, it's tied to emotion and connection OUTSIDE the bedroom. It seems like men could have sex with a woman WHILE he's fighting with her.


Want to sex her up??? Do the dishes. Vaccuum. Watch the kids while she takes a bath. Show her she's more than the chick that cooks your food and picks up your dirty underwear and drives the kids to school. Sex will be NO PROBLEM after that.

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i never use to enjoy sex as much as now since i turned 30 and now i am 34 i want it everyday up to 4 times but unfortuently hubby doesnt get in the mood that often i am lucky to get it from him twice a month. :(

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All I can say is ...


.... if it weren't for battery operated technology, I'd have calluses....

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Originally posted by startingover1028

All I can say is ...


.... if it weren't for battery operated technology, I'd have calluses....



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  • 2 weeks later...
Just Visiting

I am 34 and my bf is 31. My sex drive is way higher than his. Believe me, it can be pretty frustrating. I would like to have sex everyday, 2-3 times daily would be perfect...lol. But the good thing is that when we do have sex, it lasts and lasts. I remember one recent incident where my face was flushed for the rest of the day...lol..never had that happen before.


The more the merrier I say....

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Interesting thread............I'm 45 years old..........worked around thousands of men all my life as I'm retired Army and the primary complaint I had always heard from these men is that their wives aren't giving them enough............so I guess between them and what I read from the ladies in this thread lies the truth.....somewhere.

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This can be related to the old chicken and the egg analogy. Women don't put out unless they feel love in the relationship and men don't feel love in the relationship unless the woman is putting out. You could say both sides are to blame, but not really since it's just natural instincts. Kind of sucks.

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Originally posted by VirginiaBob

This can be related to the old chicken and the egg analogy. Women don't put out unless they feel love in the relationship and men don't feel love in the relationship unless the woman is putting out. You could say both sides are to blame, but not really since it's just natural instincts. Kind of sucks.


yes VB, whatever or whomever created humans sure had a perverse sense of humour.

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I'll just throw something out there.


How do you think it would feel to know that no matter how much sex you had with your partner that they still want more.


No matter how great it was and how satisfied and connected you felt, they still wanted more.


It quite a turn off, to know that no matter what it's not enough. Thus, turning into feelings of inadequacy and guilt and then less and less sex.


This goes both ways too.


Guys perspective: You just thought you laid some serious pipe. You're feeling good, she's looking all sexed up, you're thinking that you're the man. Then she rubbing on you again, wanting some more. You're like damn.. I'm the man, so you dig in again. After X amount of times you're starting to feel tired and wonder when she's going to get enough. You just can't satisfy her hunger for it/you. Now it seems like this all the time. You never really can out do her. Then you starting feeling inadequate .. etc.. not good enough maybe.. maybe you need some viagra just to see if you can match her .. etc.. Then you start thinking what's the point if I can't satisfy her.. Then you start lossing interest and it goes on a downward spiral.



Womans perspective: When you see each other after work, he wants it and wants it bad. He wants sex X times in a row. You're starting to feel like you've had enough, you're thang hurts, you're starting think about other things, but he still wants more. Next day some thing happens. and again and again .. next thing you know you're making up excuses, headaches, backaches, stuff to do, etc... You're starting to feel used, it's not even feeling as good anymore because it's too much.

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I'm not getting enough at all. I definitely wouldn't say I want it all the time or even every day, but I'd be happy with 3 or 4 times a week. Right now, I'm getting it once a week - and even then, I often initiate it and it's not always great. He doesn't seem to care whether or not I have a good time - but honestly, it's not because he doesn't care, but it's because he's clueless. We've talked about this, but I haven't gotten through to him yet, apparently.


I'm SO tired of hearing most men want it all the time and often have to pretty much beg their partners for it. I'm a woman with a high libido, and now my current bf AND my last bf have/had unusually low libidos... and what a waste a woman like me is on them, when it comes to sexual appetite.


I'm quite frustrated and don't know what else to do. A lot of the problem for him is stress and depression. I've tried to talk to him about going to counseling, and he agrees and understands it would probably help our relationship - but he has yet to make that first phone call. :(

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