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why is he not satisfied with my job?


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i posted here a while ago about a problem i was having regarding work. i had said that my house cleaning problem is extremely slow these days and i was looking for another job.


when i cleaned houses i charged $18.00 an hour and i can not find anything that is going to pay me that much, half that much if i am lucky.


problem is i don't want to push a pencil or push buttons on a phone. i need an active job, moving around, i can't sit still.


so i went to the local holiday inn and applied for a house keeping job. i told my boyfriend about this and he is mad now.


he thinks i should be making at least $7-8 an hour, holiday inn pays about $6.00. i understand his point, but i need a job and i need it yesterday!


i feel so low tho, like what i do is just not good enough, why can't he just be happy that at least i am trying? he wants me to go to these places that i don't like.


one is a brewery and it smells, it would make me sick, plus i hate drinking so why would i want to work there? the other is cashering, and that is way to boring.


he says i blow off every idea he comes up with and that i am not even trying. i try to explain that i need to do something i enjoy.


i don't enjoy cleaning rooms at a hotel, but i do enjoy working at something i like, and i like the physical part of it.


what can i say to him anyway? i just don't know. his attitude is what makes me just not want to try at all!

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You need to sit down and figure out what YOU want. If you are looking for a jobe that pays the most and you don't care what you have to do, then maybe you should think about your boyfriends ideas. If money is not the issue, then do what you feel is comfortable to you. You then need to have a talk with your boyfriend and let him know how you feel. If he still gets pissy, let him know it's YOUR life not his. It's nice he tells you what's on his mind, but you don't have to do what he says. If he has a problem with this, then you have another problem to deal with. Good luck.

i posted here a while ago about a problem i was having regarding work. i had said that my house cleaning problem is extremely slow these days and i was looking for another job. when i cleaned houses i charged $18.00 an hour and i can not find anything that is going to pay me that much, half that much if i am lucky.


problem is i don't want to push a pencil or push buttons on a phone. i need an active job, moving around, i can't sit still. so i went to the local holiday inn and applied for a house keeping job. i told my boyfriend about this and he is mad now. he thinks i should be making at least $7-8 an hour, holiday inn pays about $6.00. i understand his point, but i need a job and i need it yesterday!


i feel so low tho, like what i do is just not good enough, why can't he just be happy that at least i am trying? he wants me to go to these places that i don't like. one is a brewery and it smells, it would make me sick, plus i hate drinking so why would i want to work there? the other is cashering, and that is way to boring. he says i blow off every idea he comes up with and that i am not even trying. i try to explain that i need to do something i enjoy. i don't enjoy cleaning rooms at a hotel, but i do enjoy working at something i like, and i like the physical part of it. what can i say to him anyway? i just don't know. his attitude is what makes me just not want to try at all!

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Well "tootie" aka "joanne" aka "jennie" aka "confused" aka..????


We've all given you tons of advice on this in the past. If you feel your boyfriend is putting unrealistic demands on you, and pressuring you...then you have two options. Put up with it, or leave. The ball is in your court.


Why did your housekeeping/housecleaning jobs slow down so drastically? Don't these same people that you had as clients still need your services? Usually if a housecleaner is good, people keep with her (or him) on an ongoing basis..at least that's been my experience (sis and Mom use these services).


Why can't you continue housecleaning? Can't you find more customers? Can't you advertise your services?...an ad in the newspaper, flyers up on bulletin boards at the large grocery stores, pass out some flyers in your neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods? (that's how they advertise where I live, a lot of the time).


Maybe change your services a little? Maybe get into window washing? (especially now with spring around the corner, many people get their houses cleaned/windows washed)......you could even advertise a "spring cleaning special".........you have to ADVERTISE!!!


Do you drive? If so, what about starting up an 'errand running/small delivery' service? You know.....picking up prescriptions for people, delivering small packages/documents.....picking up groceries or items for shut-ins, watering plants for people who are gone on vacation/turning lights off/on for security/gathering the mail/newspapers while they are gone, etc.


What about doing 'organizing'? I've heard of women who go into someone's house and 'organize' things for them....you know, that messy spare bedroom, that messy garage..sometimes people just don't have the 'time' to get organized.


There's another one I heard of......and apparently this lady is now pretty wealthy. You know how many small businesses can't afford to have receptionists, and you call the business and get a voicemail? (that can often hurt business..customers don't like voicemail..they'd rather talk to a human being)......well this lady set it up so that calls to these small businesses would be transferred to her home.......and she would take messages (and relay them to the small business owners). Just a more 'human' touch. This went over so well, she was so busy that she had to actually hire people to help her.


Just some ideas for you. You have to be creative, maybe try some new strategies. If what you were doing before isn't possible now but that's what you were good at and that's what made you the most money, maybe you have to make some adjustments and modifications!!!


Heck, there is a lady in my city who has a business scooping up dog p**p in people's yards! She drives a white car with black polka dots all over it LOL....and I think her company is called "pooper scoopers" or something like that. She makes a darn good income. Many people who have dogs, don't have time to clean up their backyards, etc.....so for $40-$60 (depending on size of yard), she'll come in there and in no time flat, she'll clean up. I hired her when I moved into this rental house...because the previous tenants had a couple of dogs and they were obviously pigs when it came to cleaning up after their mutts. For $40 she did a heckuva job on the backyard....and it took her no more than 30 minutes (and it was bad!!!). From what I hear, she's incredibly busy.....and it's honest work, she sets her own hours.


Just some suggestions.



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