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Re: i am really really lonely


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You have to make yourself try. It seems like you're moping around about being all by yourself, but you're not doing anything to make it happen. I'm not being mean, I'm just telling you how it sounds. I understand you might be shy and a little insecure, but you need to be happy with yourself so you can feel secure about meeting new people. If you don't feel good about yourself then you're always wondering what people think of you. That's not good. As for your man, you need to tell him that every once in a while you need to get out and do something. It doesn't have to be much (a picnic, bowling, movie, etc), but something to get out have some fun. Have a family day on Saturday and do something altogether. Doesn't have to be all day. As for you... what hobbies do you have? Or what is something you'd like to do? Find an art class or a craft class and have fun. You'll start to meet people and have fun doing it! I hope this helps a little. I don't want to run on. Good luck.

i don't have any friends any more, i left all behind when i moved from my home state to this other state a thousand miles away to be with my now estranged daughter. my mom was my bestfriend for years and when she died in 1992 i have not had a single female friend since. i have sheltered myself away from alot of people. i don't even know anymore how to make friends. i seem to not have a single thing in common with anyone i meet. not to mention how shy i am and i am very self-conscious about certain things about my appearance i can't fix now. my boyfriend has been working so much lately that i hardly see him and when he comes home he just wants to unwind with the t.v. and the remote and has little energy left to just "talk".


my daughter is always at her friends house, so i am mostly at home alone. i work alone as well so i don't literally have any co-workers.


i have family a thousand miles away. i call them periodically and when i try to talk to them about my problems they as most people do turn my problems back on their own experiences and i am left with an empty feeling just the same as when i called. at times, things come up, maybe a fight with my boyfriend, or a problem with my daughter, or a medical problem, etc and i have absolutely no one to discuss things with. those are the times i miss my mom so very much! i can't stand it after all these years even. i still get a passing rush to go to the phone to call her and tell her my woes. but just as soon as i think about it i realize she is no longer there. then i feel so angry and frustrated. i miss her so very much and my life is still after all these years so very empty.


dispite my kids, and grandkids and my boyfriend i am so lonely still. all i want is one close, really good friend, someone to listen to me, someone to comfort me, someone to chase my fears away.


i think that should be my boyfriend but he is not into emotions and is not good at handling my intensity when it comes out. he does try to get me out to his work and have me do some office stuff with him. i could run around all day taking his grandma places, but these are not the things that i am talking about these things do not take up the emptyness i feel inside from a closeness i want to feel with someone. does that make sense? i hope so.


sorry to bother you guys on here, i just wanted someone to talk to. monica

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